Fair Practises
TE Market Recommendations
Hey all,
Repeating the words from TE Staff, TE is not responsible for the sales carried out in this section. This is just a utility section given to responsible TE members to make use of to sell of extra baggage and for the benefit of members who otherwise wont be able to afford/obtain such parts/ equipments etc (Example the excellent GO(Group Orders) we have here.)
These are basically recommendations, and fair practices that the Seller/Buyer "CAN" follow to make the whole process of buying and selling less painful for both parties. Because in my personal experience I have had awkward moments dealing with certain users in respect to the basic "ACCEPTED" practices in TE. Not because they were at fault, but because THEY were not aware of it. Well now you have a thread to refer them to.
Recommendations: Putting for Sale/Buy
- Post the expected prices. Though I know IT is mentioned in the main rules thread, many people dont do it just to be reminded of doing so in the next 2 or 3 posts which ACCOUNTS to more OT. Just take a little effort and check your purse strings and post a price.
- Mention if you are open to negotiations at all. It will avoid receiving messages from users asking you to sell for 10k when the posted price is Rs 15k.
- If possible post a live PICTURE of the item you are trying to sell (for SELLERS.) This serves the purpose of allowing the prospective buyer get a glimpse of the item in question. Which will do your sale more good than bad anyways
- Avoid bumping the thread sooner than every 3 days or so. Remember, you bump to get to the top, others BUMP to GET OVER YOU, and it goes on. Vicious cycle and just makes people waste more and more time w/ ZERO utility.
- Provide the option of PRICE + shipping over PRICE (shipped.) Let the buyer decide what kind of shipping he wants. Even if you want to mention a (SHIPPED) price, mention a + Shipping price because that little bit of money saved could create a world of trouble for both of you later on.
- Make the WARRANTY part crystal clear. It matters a lot to some people EVIDENTLY. And to some, it doesnt. But you are not the one to make the choice. So take the high way and mention it.
Recommendations: Deal done?
- Lets put some faith IN the system shall we? Of course money comes first, but the DEAL is entirely upon the conscience of the buyer and seller and is completely off TE. Speaking of faith:
- ONCE you guys verbally agree that a DEAL is done, stick to your word. MORE SO after the guy has transferred money/ shipped the item. For example, if person X and Y agree for amount Z for item G and X transfers Z to Y for the same, Y is expected to stick to his end. NO matter what. If he wants some change, he should cordially ask the buyer for his consent, given which he can make changes. Otherwise, don't break the trust for mere sake of money, because otherwise you will put the whole section into a vicious circle.
- The accepted practice is that the buyer transfer the WHOLE amount to the seller before the BUYER can ask the SELLER to ship the item. Of course it totally depends on the individuals to confer to this or not. But at least this way, we avoid awkward situations when something out of ordinary is demanded.
- Ship the item as soon as you receive the money. Pack it properly. Remember, you are now dealing with someone else's property and it is your moral responsibility to take care of it until it reaches the hands of the rightful owner. If there are any delays, intimate the other person ASAP and hopefully he will understand your reasoning if it is valid. Please use A PROPER COURIER WHEN SHIPPING. Don't try to save Rs 50 and create a great deal of tension for the buyer because that COURIER is the last link in the sale process. We don't want it as our weakest link right?
- Be cordial towards each other during the total affair. Remember, none of us is a professional in doing this. So keep that foremost in mind.
Recommendations: OT Posts
- Surely some of us (including me) feel compelled to comment on certain FS/WTB threads because the facts included in the post are grossly incorrect. Sure the ball park rule says that you are NOT allowed OT posts what-so-ever but we don't live in utopia don't we? So AVOID posting something which you would hate to see in your own WTB/FS thread. Make sense?
- Avoid LOW BALLING at all costs. Again I will iterate that we are not professionals doing this for a job. We are individuals from various backgrounds. So if you MUST Bargain, then DO SO IN A PM, NEVER IN OPEN POST. Because suppose you don't get your desired price, you ruin the sale for the seller even though you don't buy the item. Get the flow?
- Avoid promoting you own items STRICTLY. I don't know TE's stand on this affair, but I am sure no one would like someone to try and take your buyer from you by offering a similar product for 1k less would we?
- Expect a temporary ban w/o reason if found trolling the market section. Even though Market is just a accessory section in TE and is beyond TE "warranty" we cant have people messing with such a sensitive matter as money. Because even a paltry sum of Rs 100 can mean a world to someone else. SO don't be a troll!
Good Deal/ Bad Deal
- If you think that a deal is good, then leave your remark by accordingly rating the thread using the inbuilt and very intuitive thread rating system. By making posts such as "Good deal.", "Awesome deal." we are needlessly pushing down other threads (equally deserving.) The buyer will get the information about the thread accordingly.
- Mods, please enable thread rating view from first rate itself (from the current standard of viewable after 2-3 ratings from different members.) So that this system gets a kick start. (alteast for the Market Section.)
Please remember, TE is NOT JUST ABOUT THE MARKET SECTION. So follow the above guidelines and get through the whole process w/o pain.