TheMask said:
Problem is the deal would be done behind doors. and if there is an issue, ppl wouldn't know who to believe. then the accusations start flying. wasnt that the whole reason u started this thread?
Aiyo- Right said Masky Sir- recipe for disaster imho.
Then we will be required to revive Chatterbits and that would be an even bigger disaster.:rofl: :ashamed:
Karan said:
Why this double stand on this issue? For example... you TOTALLY DISCLAIM and responsibility for trades done on TE. This is just stating it in a more concrete way

Still the recommendations in the OP hold.... in PM i.e.
Not a double stand Karan- unless you want to accuse TE of double standards.
Coz if anyone, especially few posts old newbie who cannot be backed by a senior reputed member, sells something wrong or is unfair, the buyer in his remarks/grievances to everyone on and off TE will always mention TE in the same breath as the cheat- bad publicity for something TE isnt exactly responsible.
So some moderation has to be exercised, after all the sale was put up on TE na.
Coz through the Disclaimer, TE can totally wash hands off the matter but some moral responsibility has to be there.
TechHead said:
1 bump a day, 50 posts min. to sell stuff here. We've already got dealers (Viking.. hint, hint) setting up shop here.. shouldn't we discourage this?
Not a problem if he is giving goods at throwaway prices- shouldn't we encourage then?
Jokes apart- if someone is gaining something (sale facility) through the community, he/she should be contributing to the forums too.
One should not be using the forums just for private matters/gains coz that can be more hazardous than good.
RiO said:
As well, by imposing a post-count condition in the Market section, you ensure that the member has been around long enough to understand the community before he sells anything in the community... moreover, I've seen guys with less than 10 posts put stuff up for sale.
Or buys anything from anyone.
Also the community can understand him too in the meanwhile.
Excellent point Rio Sir.
Earlier when registration/signing in wasn't necessary for viewing Market, there would be several people who would contact me via IM or mail asking for the stuff on sale or even about stuff in my rig specs that i hadn't put up for sale.:rofl:
But i wasn't very comfortable dealing with someone who i just met on IM, but if i see that person on TE, its kinda reassuring.- though it still has nothing to do about the credentials of the person involved.
(see how TE somehow got dragged into the matter.)
But i am sure some of you'll must have received similar requests or sold stuff in a similar case.
In the past few months, the number of members shot up mainly due to one reason imho, making registration compulsory for viewing Market.
Excellent move- Kudos to whoever thought of it.:hap2:
There are still many people who stalk the forums as guests but are not registering- dunno why.:S