0-20k Fast office PC needed - must buy fast.

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Doc Holliday

  1. What is your budget?
    • Total 6 PCs. 20K per PC for first two PCs. Rest 4 PCs budget of 15K to 18K per PC. This budget is only for hardware. Software to be purchased Windows 7 OEM.
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • Not applicable, as I want to buy new PCs.
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Not applicable.
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - AMD A4 4000 (Is it enough)? Or A6 3500. Are these available nowadays?
    • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard.
    • 18" square LCD screen. Vendor has some with him. I need square format as I find it more useful for word processing.
    • UPS - looking for approx 45 minutes backup with inbuilt battery.
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • Yes, more or less final. Very few, if any, upgrades in future.
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Locally in city. Need to buy in a day or two.
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Desktop Processing.
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • Weakness for AMD processors.
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • No gaming. Okay maybe once in a while sneak in a game or two. :D
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Not sure. A square format monitor works fine for word processing.
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7 32/64 bit.
  14. NOTES: I want to buy a total of 6 PCs for office use, but first I must buy these Two PCs which need to be faster than the other PCs. The other four PCs are going to be baseline workstations, and forum members may please suggest something accordingly.
Thank you guys in advance. Please pour in your suggestions! :)
A Ups giving 45 mins backup in 20k along with rest of pc components is impossible. Do you want a ups for every pc or just a few?
What will the pc's be used for mostly? What applications will they run?
What will the two other PC's which need to be faster do extra over the rest?
A Ups giving 45 mins backup in 20k along with rest of pc components is impossible. Do you want a ups for every pc or just a few?
What will the pc's be used for mostly? What applications will they run?
What will the two other PC's which need to be faster do extra over the rest?

Thanks 6Pack. I must elaborate a bit here. My initial budget was 20K for each of the two faster PCs, including a normal 600 VA Numeric UPS. However, I wanted increased backup for these two PCs later. So I can up my budget for the UPS accordingly. However, I want a sealed battery solution for this. Also, I want a UPS for each PC, but if it works out to be economical, I can allot a max of two PCs per UPS. Importantly, the UPS should be compatible with Honda generators. The normal APC UPSs do not work with Honda generators. That is why I am looking at Numeric/similar.

All the PCs will play media files, word processing, Excel, Internet Browser, Office Chat program, Internet Chat program, and a few other software - simultaneously. Though the programs are not resource intensive on their own, the PC should not slow down. I have experienced some PCs slowing down with the media file when a lot of programs are open.

In addition, the two faster PCs will do the same thing, plus audio processing (conversion of recordings, etc) - in the background. In short, they will all be multitasking, but the two PCs more than the rest. Thanks once again.
Would suggest a Pentium G2010 or G645 with a H61 mobo + 1x4GB value RAM, bundled with the smallest HDD you can get. For SMPS, I would suggest VIP ones since Corsair might be expensive, and the cheapest cabby you can find. You will need to fit the above and a keyboard-mouse combo + UPS into about 14K, since the rate of a smaller LCD is about 4K.

For the faster PCs, I would suggest to keep the same combo - but swap out the Pentium for a i5 if possible or an i3. However, the Pentium will also suffice.
A 600va ups will only give max 25 mins backup at most including monitor and with every use (of full discharge) it will keep loosing its power a bit. I doubt any of the low end ups's support generator power. The high end apc smart ups range does support but are more than half the budget of entire pc.
AMD Sempron 145 2.8GHz ~ 2345/- [socket AM3]
AMD A4 - 4000 ~ 3195/- [socket FM2]
Intel G2020 ~ 4155/- [socket 1155] Ivybridge

[socket AM3] - ASRock N68-VGS3 FX 8GB DDR3 AMD Motherboard ~ 2525/-
[socket FM2 ] - Gigabyte GA-F2A55M-DS2 Motherboard ~ 3710/-
[socket 1155 ] - Gigabyte GA-H61M-D2H 16GB DDR3 Intel Motherboard ~ 3745/-

RAM - 4GB Corsair Value Select ~ 2398/-

Antec NSK4400 ATX Cabinet With 120mm fan ~ 1350/-
Antec NSK 4480B ~ 1500/-

PSU - Corsair VS 350 ~ 2145/-

TOTAL = Rs 13943/- [ all the higher prices listed above]
Total = Rs 10763/- [lowest prices listed above]

Pending: HDD; Monitor; Keyboard & Mouse
UPS is not considered in the above budget


EDIT: HELP NEEDED .....I am not aware of any components/brands that are lower priced than the ones listed above (without compromising on quality).
Microsoft KB & mouse combo is around 800 or 900, 500gb hdd around 3k and monitor he mentioned 4-5k. That leaves no money for ups I believe.
...... That leaves no money for ups I believe.

Hopefully OP has allocated a separate budget for the UPS
......I wanted increased backup for these two PCs later. So I can up my budget for the UPS accordingly.

Is there any appropriate UPS - Numeric or any other - of 1000VA or 1500VA which can be shared by 2-3 pcs. In this way he need not not have separate ups units for each pc ?

Or is this the best (cheapest & economical) solution for each PC - Numeric 600 EX ~ 2400/-
If he shares 1000va ups between 2-3 PC's backup time will halve or become 1/3. Ups backup time is on rating and max wattage supported by ups. A 1000va will support Max 600w load. At that load its backup time will be about 5-7 minutes.
But OP will be connecting Honda generator with these UPS, so I believe 5-7 mins is enough to hold PCs by the time generator starts (if it is not automatic).

    • UPS - looking for approx 45 minutes backup with inbuilt battery.
But this will be impossible in the specified budget.
Why not buy laptops instead? You'll save on your monthly power bills, you won't have to shell out for a UPS and you won't have to run LAN cables through the office.
You'll get basic ones for about 20k with 2GB RAM and an Intel B960 processor.

A good suggestion indeed. For office purposes, a low-cost notebook justifies the price tag plus the battery backup, no cable clutter, occupies less desk space plus portability.

Consider these models:

Toshiba Laptop C850-P0011(Intel Pentium Dual Core B960 Processor 2.2 GHz/ 2 GB/ 320 GB HDD / 15.6 Inch / DOS)

Asus X53U-SX358D Laptop (APU Dual Core/ 2GB/ 500GB/ DOS)
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Guys thanks for the suggestions. Laptops are not going to make the cut. I need the PCs on for long periods of time, every day, every week of the year. Also, need a full-sized keyboard.

Online, well, I am okay with it, if things can be done in a jiffy.

At present I am leaning towards A4-4000 plus MSI A55ME33 (how is this motherboard)?

For UPS, my local vendor has suggested Numeric 1KV with sealed battery.
FYI 2 AMD APU cores ~= 1 non-APU core. Your 'dual core' A4 will probably perform just better than a single core proc. For an office PC, thats going to be a huge performance drop.

Here's a review of App performance. Pay attention to performance vs a G2020 : http://www.techspot.com/review/681-amd-a10-6800k-a4-4000/page4.html

BTW mention what price you're getting the 18" square LCDs for, so others can factor it into the budget.
I repeat which city/town are you from ?

This will help us suggest the nearest 'online delivery portal.' Depending on your location, you could get delivery within 24-36 hours.

Flipkart however is unpredictable (for deliveries); ebay is fine and so also the specialised - it hubs - prime; itwares; theitdepot; smcinternational; deltapages etc
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FYI 2 AMD APU cores ~= 1 non-APU core. Your 'dual core' A4 will probably perform just better than a single core proc. For an office PC, thats going to be a huge performance drop.

Here's a review of App performance. Pay attention to performance vs a G2020 : http://www.techspot.com/review/681-amd-a10-6800k-a4-4000/page4.html

BTW mention what price you're getting the 18" square LCDs for, so others can factor it into the budget.

Thanks guys, I will have the 17" inch (sorry not 18") square LCD price tomorrow. For the G2020 (and thanks for the link) which is an economical motherboard to go for?

I repeat which city/town are you from ?

This will help us suggest the nearest 'online delivery portal.' Depending on your location there you could get delivery within 24-36 hours.

Guys, I am located in Siliguri, West Bengal.
............Guys, I am located in Siliguri, West Bengal.

Hey ALL TE folks HELP ... which is the IT hub/ portal in Kolkata .... damm I cannot remember the name ?

GOT it

its mdcomputers.in
now you gotta delve inside and check if they have the products that you would need

need folks to authenticate if this is a reliable portal [their website looks swell :) ][DOUBLEPOST=1374855628][/DOUBLEPOST]Edit: If the above does not list the components that you have, then you can always order from
theitdepot - chennai
primeabgb - mumbai
smcinternational - delhi

These will deliver within 5 days. You also need to excercise patience as this is for a long term purpose and for 'work & business' purposes.... [so please do not rush]. The stock markets would not topple north or south so much in the next few days ;)
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Thanks guys, I will have the 17" inch (sorry not 18") square LCD price tomorrow. For the G2020 (and thanks for the link) which is an economical motherboard to go for?
I had picked up a Dell 19" square LCD (P190S) maybe 2 years back. It was about 9.5k then IIRC. The 17" one was 8.5k. There are E170/190S models too, but they only have VGA ports. The P170/190 had DVI.

You can get the G2010 instead of the 2020, the only difference is 100MHz but should be cheaper at ~3.5k. You can get any H61 board. Something like the Gigabyte H61M-D2H. Keep an eye out for versions with DVI/HDMI ports though (if your LCD has a DVI port - which is recommended), quite a few H61 boards only have VGA ports. You can also look out for B75 chipset boards like the B75M-D3H (~4.6k). The B75 adds USB 3.0, SATA 6.0 Gbps (not really a big deal especially if you're only using regular HDDs)
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