And in the same weekly news email:
Meeting:Marketing meeting 2009-03-24 - FedoraProject
Fedora Twitter & Identica
Ubuntu 9.04 vs Fedora 11: A lot can change in one month!
edit: The Fedora 11 Beta should be out later today... can't wait to try KMS/Plymouth/nouveau on my 8800GT
=== Fedora has the Most New Features ===
In another example of Fedora leading the way, a comparison of the Fedora 11 and an upcoming similiar distribution's release shows that Fedora has the lion's share of new features.[3]
Meeting:Marketing meeting 2009-03-24 - FedoraProject
Fedora Twitter & Identica
Ubuntu 9.04 vs Fedora 11: A lot can change in one month!
edit: The Fedora 11 Beta should be out later today... can't wait to try KMS/Plymouth/nouveau on my 8800GT