Linux Fedora 11 (Leonidas) Discussion Thread

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And in the same weekly news email:

=== Fedora has the Most New Features ===

In another example of Fedora leading the way, a comparison of the Fedora 11 and an upcoming similiar distribution's release shows that Fedora has the lion's share of new features.[3]


Meeting:Marketing meeting 2009-03-24 - FedoraProject


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Ubuntu 9.04 vs Fedora 11: A lot can change in one month!

edit: The Fedora 11 Beta should be out later today... can't wait to try KMS/Plymouth/nouveau on my 8800GT :)
Just now started downloading Live CDs of GNOME and KDE, can't wait to check them out tomorrow morning :)

As always, you gotta read the known issues in the release notes to take care...
Tried it this morning... nothing great about this version, the "greek island" wallpaper is cool and thats about it :)

KMS/Plymouth works (for my gfx card) when you add nouveau.modeset=1 to the live kernel boot options even though it claims the option is unknown. The boot looks pretty but a little flickering/perf issue when switching to X desktop.

Again was reminded of the slow and inefficient packaging system, very slow downloading of package lists and the delta-rpm thing will turn out to be a scam anyways im sure. Ubuntu is unbeatable here.

Default apps suck (AbiWord instead of OpenOffice) and the KDE version is also ordinary.

Will try it once again when the next preview release is out.
I guess this is the version with which Linus Torvalds will switch back to KDE.... He went to GNOME too soon :D


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I don't know about whiners and whackers, but Fedora 11 is one ****ing awesome distro. Sure hits and misses as with all, but the overall package and the satisfaction of using it is very high on my usage scale and yes, it surpasses Ubuntu also. Remember, when I say that, I don't necessarily mean the easy of use or comfortable options for new users, but the solidarity and behaviour of the package under various conditions.

Thumbs Up for F11.
^^Whoaa.. what so ****ing good about it /

I simply hate the packagekit shit they include.. The amount of updates is overwhelming with such pathetic slow server it became almost impossible for us to update...

+ Some media plugins are not available and it pushes user to buy Fluendo Codecs even after enabling Rpm-fusion I was unbale to find some codecs ...

Overall I find Fedora to be a guinea pig for RHEL nothing else.. The Plymouth never worked all black boot up and other problem as well.. I find Fedora to utilize more usage than ubuntu mandriva and ofcourse arch :P
Well I guess you're just opinionated without going through the effort of resolving them or atleast falling short of it.

Package Kit works wonders and just because you had problems with it and didn't want to go the extra mile, calling it shit is just poor thought on you part in my honest opinion. And so does Plymouth.

And what plugins weren't you able to find? `yum groupinstall "Sound and Video"` will get you every possible plugin.
I tried a lot but wasn't able to get plymouth working on my ATI card even installing extra plugin was in vain... I personally would love to use Plymouth in Ubuntu 9.10 and Mandriva 2010.0 :) I would be installing Fedora 11 and see how it fares but since it has been delayed lets see if it works well..

I personally prefer software manager like rpmdrake, synaptic which are so easy to use and create less havoc.. .I still prefer using CLI in Sabayon and Fedora ... Seriously UI like packagekit is PITA..

I can't remember which plugin was that but it was a container format maybe some exceptional mkv format !
That is a very intelligent reply for someone with that much reputation. Anyways, it doesn't allow much to discuss with attitude like that and relying on others to do your pick. Good day.
Speaking of attitudes, I've noticed that a lot of Fedora members (either Redhat employees and/or Fedora project ambassadors) have your kinda attitude. Must be a "birds of a feather flock together" phenomenon at work. Are you by chance a Fedora contributor?
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