Few pics of my AV rig ( nearly complete now)


hello people

i have been busy for past few months for building my AV rig , now i feel that my setup is just about complete..

i wanted to thank all the people whose valuable suggestions contributed to this setup

here are a few pics ..

Beyerdynamic DT880 600ohms recabled with mogami star quad2534 and canare f12 3.5mm plug ..

marantz AVR4003

Samsung 46" panel with tannoy customs F1 at the sides

DIY speaker stand..yes i made it..:eek:hyeah:

HAF932 and my rig set up...

front view with my DIY hifi rack..:eek:hyeah:

Rear speakers Tannoy Customs FR and acoustic curtains

DIY HIFI rack..

my headphones ( hd580 with hd600 grills and hd 650 cables, denon D1001 recabled with mogami mini quad & canare F12 3.5mm,eyerdynamic DT880 600ohms recabled with mogami star quad2534 and canare f12 3.5mm)


1) cleaning up the mess:p

2)Tannoys centre , subwoofer and few can gears
neat setup ! Have read a lot about the DT880, would love to hear them :).

By the way some headphone stands as well :p.
cravikum said:
cool setup dude damages???

AVR is 25k , Speakers 30k , DT880 was $380, cable costs about 10k

the rest were purchased some time back or DIYed

FaH33m said:
neat setup ! Have read a lot about the DT880, would love to hear them :).

By the way some headphone stands as well :p.

Ya, gonna DIY some headphone stand & case when I get some time.

sunny27 said:
nice setup you've got there.


Gannu said:
Hehe nice setup there man! Btw u don't have a dedicated sub? Hw's the bass without one?

Bass is fine with music but movies would do better with some 'oomph'
omg nice setup and very neat table btw which company are to working right now :ashamed:

also are your marriage :) just asking and it seen like rich high end lifestyle electronics gadgets :O
What to say. Nice , really nice. Its a good start with bookshelves and sensibly bought the lower end of Maraantz hahn.....

BUT to gannu's questtion. Wat abt SUB????:huh:

So you feeding signals frm HAf 932 to receiver?

Must enjoying your setup BRO.ENJOY!!!
awesome setup:hap2:

nice DIY stuff.

I see flexible keyboard on table, do you really use it?
I have some Arihant flexible keyboard and it's pathetic, especially if one has TVS Gold. :p
^^you noticed that. This one is pathetic too.Its connected to the atom rig, I am looking for something better which does not take much space to replace it.

@Anooj : Buying a subwoofer is on my To-Do list.

And HAF932 has a Xonar soundcard & 9600GT inside it.
Awesome stuff U got there
Did I read Right 10k for cable???
And why mod HD 580 Grills?

Just wanna knw.....I have been reading posts in Headfi for 6 months and haven't understood half of wht they say :p Complete noobie
Gowt1ham said:
Awesome stuff U got there
Did I read Right 10k for cable???
And why mod HD 580 Grills?

Just wanna knw.....I have been reading posts in Headfi for 6 months and haven't understood half of wht they say :p Complete noobie

The cables cost include everything : The DAC cables for speakers,HDMI & Optical cables from Monoprice, Mogami cables for headphones & other interconnects.

HD600 grilles because that's the only thing that separates HD580 from costlier HD600. The black grills look awesome too.
Arun.P said:
omg nice setup and very neat table btw which company are to working right now :ashamed:

also are your marriage :) just asking and it seen like rich high end lifestyle electronics gadgets :O

I have my own business setup, not going well now…………:(
Not married but I am in a steady relationship since 2002...... :D,
Not very rich but I always go ahead with my heart……….:eek:hyeah: