Few pics of my AV rig ( nearly complete now)

thanks superfrag, for your impressions.

I knew that gamma usb input is limited to 16/48k. I plan to use it through its coaxial input since I have many 24/96k files as well.

I have another question for you, Can you compare your laptop's coaxial out to musiland.

@ pureterror :take a look here : :: Welcome to Royal Look ::
Oh.. the laptop coax out sucks BIG time. DS is really bad. WASAPI is half-decent.. there is quite a difference between the USB and coax.. its just much more cleaner.. and the treble is definitely coloured.. first I thought it was placebo.. but after multiple tests I decided it was either the standard wire or the coax out.

Anyways.. any above standard cable with the shielding and etc wont go inside.

But I doubt you will have that prob since you have the Xonar ( AFAIK you have the Essence.. lol)

Thats the main reason I got the musiland.. Hell the coax wire doesnt even go in.. (monoprice). The only one that will go in is the standard one..
I am guessing its the crappy coaxial output from laptop that is the culprit. I have a monoprice digital cable too & difference from the standard cable is not much.
Sweet setup. I dream to have something like this someday... lets see :)

The TV looks awesome; hope you have a super comfy sofa in front of the sofa to sit and enjoy the movie.
Wow , I liked the nuts and looooooooong bolts cabinet . Awesome , I like the industrial looks . DIY rocks.
The partitions of cabinet are metal or wood ?
Where did you get such a long threaded bolt ?
The partitions are wood.

Got the bolts from old Delhi market.

It was hard work but it turned out real nice & I am quite proud of it. :)
Your receiver doesn't have multichannel analog inputs. Its completely useless for gaming since you won't get ANY EAX or OpenAL/EFX effects via optical/coaxial. You'd have to settle for stereo gaming if you want sound effects.
^^ Wrong on both accounts.

My AVR has multichannel analog inputs, also my sound card can send all effects via optical/digital connections.

That said my primary concern is music & some movies. I game only occasionally.
Congrats on the setup.
I was wondering about the DIY speaker stands. How did you go about it?
I want one for my AE A5s.
