Quad Master said:I feel that the PES 6 menu was a bit messed up.
[which is my first PES i ever played]
You guys might not give importance to it , but a game menu matters to me
when in the manager mode , i found it confusing and a bit old compared to fifa.
[my opinion , everyone views things differently]
[PES Fans Now dont hit me plz]
Heh heh. Don't worry, I hated the menu in PES 6 too. (The main menu colour! :S )
Anyway, I took some screen shots of menus till start of game. I think the menu this year is decent.
800*600, Medium Settings, Windowed Mode. (Used Print Screen. )
In the first screenshot, the menu options (where it says exhibitions), the choices scroll.
In the strip selection menu, the figures in the selected strips rotate. Looks cool.