Guys ,Any info related to Asus paid service ,i am located in mumbai and wanted my board repaired a small smd/capacitor blew/melted on the backside of vrm .They said the paid service center is in Dehradun .WTF is this ,asked me to call it and ship it over there .How stupid is this ?
i tried some local repair shops but they raised valid concern that they could replace it , but they dont have equipment to may be replace the mosfet/or those coils if something additional is also bad.
the address is as follows , is this happening overall in india with asus ?
i tried some local repair shops but they raised valid concern that they could replace it , but they dont have equipment to may be replace the mosfet/or those coils if something additional is also bad.
the address is as follows , is this happening overall in india with asus ?