first console game u finished

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mallik_vas said:
Double Dragon is a very old console game ... I used to play it when I was a kid ... way back in 1995 - 96 ... In video game parlors :) ... was my favorite game ... but parents were strict ... didn't like my going to video game parlors to waste time ... so couldn't finish it :(
LOL! Same here.Though I got my butt whooped royaly once by my dad while being caught playing in that parlour.Then a few days later my dad got me a new nintendo console after which I was able to complete all the Double Dragon version on it.This game was a complete treat.Wonder why they don't make such good classic arcade games for the newer consoles now.:(
Wait! On second thought, most of those Atari games go on forever. You just can't beat them. So for me too, it would've been something on the NES or so.
Super Mario on the Media 8-Bit System
Sonic the Hegdodge on the Sega
Donkey Kong (Ace ace game!) on the super NES
Silent Hill/Crash Bandicoot for the PSone
James Bond-Everything or Nothing-PS2

No console bought since then :(

This is actually the account for what i bought these consoles in the first place ,i loved the SNES like hell
Although i did play many 8-bit games , i never managed to actually complete any of them. The first console game i completed would be smackdown 1 for PS but i am not sure if that counts since i played it on my PC using an emulator. Apart from that it was God of war on PS2 :D
Top Spin 2 & Project Gotham Racing 3 on the 360.... Hate that feeling when u complete a game thats become part of your life for a few months ( yeah i'm slow ;) )
rockstar1630 said:
1. Mario
2. Contra
3. Contra 2
4. Double Dragon
5. Street Fighter (All Versions)
6. Heavenly Sword (Normal Mode and Hell Mode) !

all these games played in which console...i assume its 8-bit console
i was into console gaming from when i was a child. my first one was an NES

Double Dragon
MIghty Final Fight
contra, street fighter and some other game i forgot the name of on 8-bit console.
on SNES, super mario.
on sega game gear, some racing game.
on playstation, hercules, had got that copy with PS. :D

after that no consoles bought. :( still havev my playstation. :P

but i did play loads of games on ps2 at my friend's house. :D

btw is double dragon that game where there is a blue and red guy (for 2 players) who have only knives in the beginning? then you get guns as you proceed? and you had to jump when the dogs came? :P if so, then thats the game im referring to. :P
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