Nexus 5 with its s800 can't push a 1080p screen smoothly. The same problem will manifest itself if the N5 is stressed and it will respond by getting warmer. Problem is if you dont use higher rez with a 5 inch screen then the ppi starts to drop. And no vendor wants to risk sales over that.No, don't get me wrong. The Nexus 4 is a very snappy phone. I went to Reliance Digital today and compared my Nexus 4 directly with a Nexus 5 there. I couldn't tell a difference during regular tasks such as opening the app drawer, dialer, running a few apps etc. However, if I scroll really fast through my Gmail inbox on my Nexus 4, it drops a few frames sometimes. I don't expect this to happen on a Nexus 5 although I couldn't check at the store because it wasn't connected to a Google account. Another example - I use Google Now Launcher with my Nexus 4. Exiting the app drawer when voice activation is enabled produces a noticeable stutter, reproducible every time. This doesn't happen on the Nexus 5 and I'm guessing it's because the Snapdragon 800 has a dedicated listening core while also being much faster when it comes to raw power.
the thing with saying something is smooth is that its a relative statement. Smooth compared to what.I must say I'm being extremely nitpicky here. For the most part, the Nexus 4 and even a Moto G are pretty darn smooth. The Moto X and Nexus 5 would be even better. Almost gone are the days when Android was legitimately laggy.
If we use the iphone as a reference, it has the edge of only pushing a 720p screen with the latest cpu tech then what you say holds for the N4 and i would assert for the N5, G2 & Z1 as well. Leaving samsung out as touchwiz adds an extra lag which isn't present in the UI's of LG or Sony nor Nexus. people always move around the ui and say its smooth, that isn't a real good test. Play some intensive games and watch for frame drops or how warm it get after 15 minutes is a better indicator of fit-for-purpose.
Z1c & g2 flex are improvements over N5, G2, Z1, simply because they use the latest cpu with a 720p screen.
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