So called intellect on indian forums.
for your kind information,I am practising critical care specialist for last 9 yrs and not some low level retard as you think.
Behave yourself.[DOUBLEPOST=1513168049][/DOUBLEPOST]
I can only say that you guys should vote for NOTA during election time. As of now, even with all these, the BJP is still a better option than Congress.
This is the truth as said by vivek.
Alt news founder and his antics are well known.
Rather i am wasting my precious time behind blind congress lovers like so called lord nemesis.
Do thorough research on given discussion topic before calling someone retard.[DOUBLEPOST=1513168108][/DOUBLEPOST]And you guys fail to see long term big picture and nothing will change for your blind bhakti of congress.[DOUBLEPOST=1513168247][/DOUBLEPOST]And I know my money would be secure in any govt bank.
I have full faith in indian banking system.
It has never failed like lehman crisis and current set of rbi admin and its methods are more than capable to do the needful when time may come.[DOUBLEPOST=1513168351][/DOUBLEPOST]All the corrupt and bankrupt companies are put up on sale.
If this was congress time,congress would have cut some deal with these corporates and given some bail out package.
Nothing like that happened.
To give just one sector example.
Rcom is on firesale.
So is aircel maxis.
So open your eyes and see whats happening before lamenting.[DOUBLEPOST=1513168491][/DOUBLEPOST]Your great congress govt screwed air india with merger with indian airlines and then gave bailout package.
Whats the end result ?
Air india is still screwed up more badly. Thanks to praful patel decision to not let them buy airbus a320 neo airplanes.
See who is running indigo and how its found.
Enough time wasted to show you some sunlight.[DOUBLEPOST=1513168568][/DOUBLEPOST]And also see how modi is managing air india issue.
What he is doing is strategically smart decision.
Same way tata came out of loss making consumer mobility.[DOUBLEPOST=1513168674][/DOUBLEPOST]Can you show me one incidence where bjp started communal clash in this election ?
In fact great rahul gandhi khan your saviour ,brought pakistani guy to do his prachar in gujrat.
Find who is nizami fellow ?[DOUBLEPOST=1513169498][/DOUBLEPOST]You lord nemesis have no right to talk about my education. You cant even come to 1% close to what skillset I have as critical care physician.
So think before you talk.[DOUBLEPOST=1513169633][/DOUBLEPOST]Try to preserve your job in wave of automation and artificial intelligence.
My job or task at hand is secure till I breath my last.
Thats may not be the case with you.