if what I post is BS, than what is your intellectual level who just get pissed off and die hard to reply using F words that you can't use in front of your Parents?So why are you wasting your time posting on online forums instead of working hard and feeding your mummy and daddy who toiled their whole life to raise you?
You are a disappointment and an insult to their hard work.
And if you are working for 70 hours a week (10 hrs/day in a week, or 14 hrs/day for 5 days in a week), where the f do you have the energy or the time to do other stuff? What will you do with all the millions you earn if you die before you spend them? Gift it to someone else's children/grand children?
The harder YOU work, the more yachts/lands/shares YOUR BOSS can buy.
Also, are you actually Mr. Squintz or is he paying you to post BS like this on the internet?
PS: Emperors are dead. The citizens are kings now![]()
Emperors are still there and people keep working for them ranting BS in social media but do not dare to talk openly with real identity.
If you and like minded have dare than go seat with Squint Eyes and talk matching eye to eye, prove that what he told is not right....