PC Peripherals Frequent restarts and shut downs - overheating?

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Insanely Idiotic
Hi guys,wadup !!
Well,i have this problem with my desktop which kinda started recently(2-3 weeks ago)....
Whenever i start a game within 5-10 mins of gameplay my machine shuts down completely...
I thought its probably the dust,i cleaned up and everything was fine for a weeek then it started again :@

At first i thought its my PSU but i don't think its a PSU problem....
My Rig is in my Signature,been using it from Aug'09
I download on the same rig for about 12 hrs straight without any problems no shutdowns,surfing,downloading,running simultaneous applications everything works just fine
Its only when i play games my baby dies :S

I think my Proccy is heating up which is causing the system to auto-shutdown
Last night i was playing CS 1.6 and it gave up on me,rebooted and checked out the temps in BIOS
CPU Temperature - 75c (Freaking High ??)
SYS Temperature - 47c (Normal ??)

So,i think my proccy is cooking up when playing games....
Now,could applying a thermal paste solve the problem ??

Please guys,need your inputs as i'm midway on Crysis 2 and dying to play MW3
HELP !!!
Reapply the thermal paste if you are sure the CPU fan is working properly.

If it continues to heat up despite that, you might need to check the airflow in the cabinet and/or upgrade your CPU cooler.

What is your room's ambient temperature?

Is there enough room for the hot air to dissipate when it leaves the cabinet?
Buddy you are not alone.

My computer is doing the same thing.Its just so irritating,not able to play dungeon siege 3 for more than 20 minutes continuously.

Only difference being that my computer restarts,instead of shutting down.

I'll monitor my temps and get back.
reapply thermal paste.
as you have assembled your PC around aug 09. the paste might have by now dried up causing your CPU to heat up.
clean your existing layer of thermal paste and reapply it on the cpu.
My room temp. should be around 25-27c i guess....definately somewhere around that

But seriously,75c on CPU temp. is high as far as my knowledge goes...

I'll definately re-apply the thermal paste...freaking frustrating

And yea,air-flow is alright...I can feel the hot air coming out from the vents,so i think that area is fine but still i'll have a look into that as well...

@Srirama,lets ride together and fix the damm issue.....

@mjumrani and ggt,thnx for taking the time to post your views on the situation....Appreciate it !!
I do not know know how much this will help but you can open the side panel and keep a fan close to the vents where air is sucked into the system. Now try running the system on full load, If it work properly then means there is not enough room for the heat to dissipate.

This could be your temporary solution till you get a new cooling unit or improve the ventilation in your system.
lida said:
I do not know know how much this will help but you can open the side panel and keep a fan close to the vents where air is sucked into the system. Now try running the system on full load, If it work properly then means there is not enough room for the heat to dissipate.

This could be your temporary solution till you get a new cooling unit or improve the ventilation in your system.

Already tried that option...Sidepanel open with a table fan and Air Conditioner ON
But it still shutsdown and CPU temp. reaches 75+

Gonna try re-applying the thermal paste and will post back !!
Thanks for your input lida...:)
75 is too high for a AMD Phenom series their max recommended temp is around 65 , mine goes upto 62 on stock fan . Try reapplying thermal paste and if it does not work buy a Hper 212 + that should tone down the temperature a lot.
Alright,bought the thermal Paste and finally applied it
Didn't get any branded one...got a generic white ceramic paste from a local dealer for Rs 30 :bleh:
The old paste had been completely fired off and i could easily remove the CPU Fan....

And then installed AIDA64 and tested the temps. on idle and on load
Here are the screenshots -
ON IDLE - Just downloading and surfing

ON LOAD - Playing Crysis 2(35-40mins into gameplay),Downloading,Surfing

Temps. are similar even on Everest and finally i can play whatever games i want...:clap:

But seriously,it worked...
Hope this doesn't give me a headache anymore..
Well, good to know that the problems been solved.

BTW, did the paste come in a small container around 1~1.2" big and with a red cap? Does it feel sticky when you use it? If yes, that's not ceramic paste but nepali paste ( according to the vashi guy from whom i got it in the first place). It cost only about 10 bucks does the job well, but dries out after ~5 months if the CPU keeps on heating up, this is from my lappie. Its a good on the spot solution.
Better to buy a branded paste if you do not want to go into the hassle of reapplying the thermal paste far too regularly.
vivek.krishnan said:
Well, good to know that the problems been solved.

BTW, did the paste come in a small container around 1~1.2" big and with a red cap? Does it feel sticky when you use it? If yes, that's not ceramic paste but nepali paste ( according to the vashi guy from whom i got it in the first place). It cost only about 10 bucks does the job well, but dries out after ~5 months if the CPU keeps on heating up, this is from my lappie. Its a good on the spot solution.

Yea,lol something like that but this one isn't sticky thats the reason i thought its ceramic

Anyways,Nepali paste or China Paste it got my machine started....:P
ggt said:
Better to buy a branded paste if you do not want to go into the hassle of reapplying the thermal paste far too regularly.

Ya,i have ordered Artic Silver will get it by tommorow

That cheap generic paste was a temp. solution as i couldn't handle the shutdowns anymore.....

Will re-apply again once i get the Artic.... :)
Hey guys i am sorry for bumping into a old topic but i am having the same problem except for the climax that my pc is restarting instead of Shutting down. I had bought the rig 6months back can any of the gurus give me some advice? this only happens when i play games like Dota2 , WoW , and now it even started when i play cs 1.6. need your help this problem is driving me crazy :mad:
I am having a problem very similiar, just that after about 10 minutes of gaming i lose my display completely but i can hear the fans spinning in my case. I have to completely shut the system and then restart it and the problem occurs again after 10 minutes. I'll also try to re seat the processor and see if it solves my problem.
I am having a problem very similiar, just that after about 10 minutes of gaming i lose my display completely but i can hear the fans spinning in my case. I have to completely shut the system and then restart it and the problem occurs again after 10 minutes. I'll also try to re seat the processor and see if it solves my problem.

I had kind off similar problem and culprit was motherboard - PCI E slot to be precise. On IGP it was working very good.
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