FS: XFX GeForce 7300GS (Bid for a noble cause)

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kkndka said:
@ the mods- how do you believe this guy is actually gonna give the money for a good cause?

i knew this would come up. its not like i'm using it as an excuse to get more than what the card is really worth. the members on these forums know their hardware and i don't think anyone who is interested in the card is gonna bid much higher than the card is worth just because i mentioned that i'm donating it.

why would anyone lie about something like this?

edit: in any case, i think i can close this by this sunday. the bid seems to have saturated.. i don't expect anything higher than this. if nobody bids higher before sunday, i'll give it to the highest bidder so far. 5he34n6 for Rs. 2100 + shipping.
i think the card in the market is for rs 3.7k so i gus anyhting near 3 k will be quite good for us :) any takers at 3 k?
kkndka said:
@ the mods- how do you believe this guy is actually gonna give the money for a good cause?

maybe u dont know much abt gaming.. thts y u dont know Ashr... most of the people who game know Ashr very well...:bleh:
mods, thanks for letting me go on with this. the thread can be closed now. card sold to yogi for Rs. 2200.
Thread closed..
Thumps up to ashr for this noble gesture. hope others get motivated by this and more and more ppl help out where it matters :)
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