Games you have completed at least twice?

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Staff member
As I was about to install Caesar IV, I was thinking about how much I loved Caesar III.

That got me wondering which are the games that I have played end to end more than twice as I hardly complete many games till the end even if I like them. The list of course was very short:
  • Caesar III
  • Command and Conquer Red Alert 2
  • Half Life

So what are the games that you have completed at least twice and how many times? I am sure we will come up with real gems from everyone.
Tiberium Wars, Twilight, Red Alert 2, 3, Yuris Revenge. Mainly a RTS fan. Have not touched the remaining games in my Steam library.

EDIT : Forgot Crysis, Crysis Warhead, AoE, AoM + expansions. Dune 2000.
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Mostly RPGs. Dragon Age Origins, Diablo II, III, Borderlands 2, KOTOR, KOTOR 2, Titan Quest come to mind at this point, there are probably others.
I dont remember how many times I played quake 3 arena.

the latest games: borderlands 2 close to 350 hours and few times
entire halflife series: 2-3 times.
Age of empires II: played the campaigns few times.
crysis 2: atleast 3 times.
call of duty modern warfare 2: few times and atleast twice at veteran level. Other notable mentions that I played more than once were CoD World at War and CoD2
Janes Israeli Airforce and Janes US Airforce : completed the campaigns few times.
portal and portal2 : twice
NFS mostwanted 2005 version: few times.

desclaimer: few times means more than 3 times and usually around 5-6 times.
GTA vice city (completed 10+ times)
GTA san andreas
GTA liberty city stories
Burnout dominator
Hitman 2
Mass effect 2 and 3
Ford racing 2
Nfs most wanted
Nfs porsche unleashed
Army men RTS
Medal of honor allied assault
Gears of war 3
Max payne 1 and 2
Mafia 1
GTA vice city 2 times!
Spiderman 2 maybe 4-5 times (Yes it may be crappy but I enjoyed it at that time)
Resident evil 4 maybe more than two times in every difficulty except for easy.
ICO Maybe 3 times or more one trophy remaining for platinum. yet to beat it in 2 hrs.:banghead:
Max payne 2 maybe twice.
Mafia 2 twice.
Battlefield 3 twice.
Max Payne 1 (4/5 times)
Max Payne 2 (3-4 times)
GTA 3, GTA VC (3-4 times)
Unreal Tournament (Countless)
Quake 3 Arena (3-4 times)
RTCW (2 times)
NFS 2 (Countless)
MOHAA (2-3 times)
Project IGI (3-4 times)
Project IGI 2 (2 times)
AOE 2 (10-11 times)
Mafia 1 (2 times)
Recoil (4-5 times)
Far Cry (2 times)
US Open 2002 (10-11 times)
Mortal Kombat 4 (Countless)

Don' remember any more.
NFS Underground
NFS Most Wanted
Halo (too many times)
COD Modern Warfare
COD Modern Warfare 2
Crysis 2
Max Payne
Unreal Tournament

Might be more.... cant remember all those names now.....
Max Payne
Crysis 2
NFS Underground
NFS Most Wanted
Mafia 2
Battlefield 3
Crysis Warhead
Skyrim (10 times)
Spiderman 2 - 9-10 times (Because it was the only game that used to work at that time, some problem with my pc)
Prince of Persia Warrior Within - 2 times
Assassins Creed II - 2 times (Favorite game)
Crysis 3 - 3 times
Dragon Age : Origins - 2 times

Rest I mainly play games for the story so i don't think i can play games multiple times.
Age of mythology (full campaign 2 -3 times)
Prince of Persia warrior within & two thrones(2 times)
NFS most wanted 2005 (2 times)
Company of heroes (many times)
Fallout 3 with all the DLCs x2. Over 800+ hours
Fallout New Vegas with all the DLCs x2. Over 500+ hours
Far Cry 2 x2
AOE II played many campaigns a lot of times
Rainbow 6 x2
I never used to play a game twice, just after finishing I used to uninstall it, but that has changed since Crysis 3. I kept playing it to finish it in as less time as possible, and I think I played it four times.

Then Saints Row IV. I honestly don't remember how many times I have deleted my save games and restarted it.

I have played Max Payne 3 twice, EPIC game.

Now I will start Wolfenstein The New Order again. I loved the challenge it gave me.
Hocus Pocus - Very old DOS based game
Serious Sam - pretty old game
Quake 1

Used cheat codes too (GOD mode and unlimited weapons) :p
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