Gaming Mags in India?

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Skoar is a good magazine, the only thing is its tough for gaming magazine to survive. I highly appreciate its quality. I have been a past subscriber of PCGamer magazine & imo its quality was inferior to SKOAR.

Btw here's my personalized edition. A good one at that. :ohyeah:

^ Ordering slightly older issues from Ebay tends to turn out a whole lot cheaper, especially if you buy 4-5 issues at a time.
Amaresh said:
Game Force used to be quite nice. Their editor Christof had even sent me a couple of complimentary issues which were pretty nice IMO. I even remember reading a piece by TE's own Icefusion there.

That was a long time back....
Ive now shifted to Cybermedia... working for Living DIgital... that covers GAMING... read it smtime:bleh: and PCQuest :)
Vulc4n said:
Guys in Bangalore can visit a place called Magazines. Its on Church street, right at the junction with Brigade road... Stairs leading down...

It has all these imported magazines.... The back dated magazines are available at throw away prices... I used to get CGW (international edition) for 100 bucks complete with DVD n all... Tons of other gaming mags as well.. They used to be 3-4 months backdated, but i didnt give a damn...
All sorts of international mags are available. I bothered to ask them some of the mag prices. Started from 700bucks~2.5k.

If ureally want international mags u get it here.
Skoar is good gaming mag. Thts the best u can get in India for a sane price.

As for others which do lot of gaming review DIGIT, CHIP, Living Digital----though this one is not strictly a computer mag.
well if you asked me i'd say they are worth it... but then my opinion would be biased. But come on... SKOAR! is created by the gaming community and each of us contributes to the magazine in more ways than we realise - right from writing articles, to events to even buying the magazine... as more of us do that the better quality we can expect going forward... it is kind of a chicken and egg... the more support the better it gets.

Anyways... the next issue is ready and will be hitting stands soon... there is some great exclusive content and yes guess the cover and win cool prozes...
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