the iVB equivalent of 2500k is the 3570k
its price is approx 14.5k+shipping. all the stores will have them come monday
if your budget is around 10k get this. it has sli support.
if your budget is more then get the maximus v gene like i did![]()
yes get the h80, but honestly if your case can support it and you dont mind spending the extra cash, get the h100
Thanks ALPHA17,what's your thoughts on Ivy bridge ?
What is the difference b/w Lx version and normal version of Asus P8Z77 ?
Gone through the review,looks like SVG has made some performance coolers.Will these be available in local stores or should in order it online ?
- New chips, new boundaries to push. A Core i5 3570k although expensive by ~2500 than the Core i5 2500k promises better performance and the same ease of pushing the PC to ~4.5 GHz on air, you are going for a water loop [H80, although do look at the SVG HOC 40 ~6500/-] you can easily push your chips to ~4.8GHz -->5.0GHz.
Can I get your products in any of the local stores in Hyderabad ?
- SVG TECH HOC 40 OR CORSAIR H80 ~6500/-
- NZXT tempest EVO ~6000/- OR Corsair Carbide 400R ~5500/-
- Corsair TX V2 750W ~6500/-
- Seagate 1Tb 7200.12 ~5500/-
Can someone me sort me out with RAM I have seen a lot of RAM on Flipkart but I'am confused so just post the link here.
How good is this Buy Philips IPS LED monitor E-line 21.5 54.6 cm in Mumbai India ?
Yes Correct, if you go with 400R the fans will have to mounted from the outside of the case, so i suggest you go with CM 690 IIThanks for RAM, what about cabinet , nikolainposted that Carbide 400r dosen't allow to fit Cooler from inside so what about that ?
I personally don't like CM 690 II, please suggest a good cabinet which fits in HOC 40 and looks good(what about Phantom 410).