90K+ Gaming + Streaming + Video Editing + Virtual server

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Hello ,
I am Macwin , i have been member of Erodov forum for 3+ year , but looks like that community is no longer active. Here is my 2nd Gaming PC this year :

Here are my requirements :
Gaming + Streaming + Video Editing + Virtual server

And 4k Build for future .

Here is my Config :
i7 5820k - Confirmed
Asus Deluxe x99 Mobo - Unconfirmed
Gskill 32 GB ddr 4 - Confirmed
Intel 840 Pro SSD 256 GB - Confirmed
Crosair 750 Gold ( Full Modular PSU ) - Unconfirmed
Corsair Graphite Series 780T Black ( Cabinet ) - Semi-Confirmed
WDD 2TB Red - Unconfirmed
Corsair Hydro Series H100i GTX Cpu Cooler - Semi-Confirmed
Gtx 970 ( Temporary GPU Until Pascal ) - Unconfirmed ( Which Brand ? )

Monitor : Currently have 21inch & 24inch Samsung . I Plan to add 3rd Monitor 27inch Monitor ( Unconfirmed )

Hello ,
So i have listed my parts , Unconfirmed parts you can tell me to go a better company or similar price with better Value .
HDD - Which WDD is good for setting Virtual server
GPU - Gtx 970 is temporary will ugprade it when pascal comes out for 4k Build .

Best regards

What is your budget?
1.80 Lakhs

What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
CPU - Intel i5 3570k
Motherboard - Azrock extreme 4
GPU - Gtx 670
RAM - Ripjaw 32 GB ram
Monitor - Samsung 21inch & samsung 24inch LED 2ms Monitor
PSU - Corsair 750 GOLD full modular PSU
(please mention the rest in above format)
Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
Monitor - Samsung 21inch & samsung 24inch LED 2ms Monitor

Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

i7 5820k - Confirmed
Asus Deluxe x99 Mobo - Unconfirmed
Gskill 32 GB ddr 4 - Confirmed
Intel 840 Pro SSD 256 GB - Confirmed
Crosair 750 Gold ( Full Modular PSU ) - Unconfirmed
Corsair Graphite Series 780T Black ( Cabinet ) - Semi-Confirmed
WDD 2TB Red - Unconfirmed
Corsair Hydro Series H100i GTX Cpu Cooler - Semi-Confirmed
Gtx 970 ( Temporary GPU Until Pascal ) - Unconfirmed ( Which Brand ? )

Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)

Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
Gaming , Video editing , Virtual Server , Streaming , Full time 24x7 online

What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage

Are you looking to overclock?

Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 7 64 bit
970 is not for 4K. But being a stop gap card it can serve the purpose.
Actually none of the current gen cards can power a 4k monitor. You will have to sli/cf them.
I am an AMD fan for GPU and would like to suggest you to get two used 290x for powering the 4k resolution. They can beat 980 ti.
Best PSU in 750 W range right now is EVGA G2 Supernova if can get it somewhere, it comes with 10 years international warranty. I'm myself importing it from canada next month.
But as you wish to have a 4K setup you will most definately need a cf / sli system. Even with pascal or artic island I don't think 4K setup would work with a single GPU.
So for crossfire you should look up to 850-1000 W supply.
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