Gates: PS3 will never have graphics advantage

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Gates: PS3 will never have graphics advantage

Speaking with journalist and Xbox guru, Dean Takahashi, Bill Gates offered several jabs to both Sony and Nintendo in the wake of CES. Speaking on Nintendo, Gates expressed concern that the novelty of Wii could wear off without good graphics to go with it, and that he still considered Sony to be MS' biggest competitor (O RLY?). Regarding the PS3, Gates notes that the 360 has the advantage in every area. According to Gates, the 360 has good games, is easier to program, and is cheaper to produce. Because of the 360's head start, it also has the advantage of undergoing cost reduction at a much faster rate than the PS3 with its more costly components.

Gates also stated that the PS3 has no advantage in terms of graphics and that it never will. In his words, Sony "burned a year" trying to get graphics out of the Cell processor, only to have Nvidia provide a chip at the last minute. Add to this the fact that the PS3 has no unified memory and that programmers have had longer to learn the intricacies of the 360 hardware, and the PS3 is caught in a cyclical game of catch-up.

Finally, Gates managed to squeeze in one more denial of a larger 360 hard drive on the horizon. When asked about the need for more space -- especially with IPTV and DVR functions on the way -- Gates responded that much IPTV data is stored on servers and storage is unnecessary. To wit: "We don't have to change the Xbox 360 at all." Uh huh, and 640 kilobytes is all we'll ever need, right?

Gates: PS3 will never have graphics advantage - Xbox 360 Fanboy
Aah... All low blows from Bill Gates..

The PS3 will get better.. If anything.

Once the real good games come out, I cant see any1 buying the Xbox 360.. :P.
With Gears of war and the new capcom FPS game(Forgot its name... It was featured on Gamer TV last week and looked just about as good as Gears of war) and with crysis announced for 360... I DONT THINK SO...

I for one will mostly be going in for 360 sooner then later... Just need to get a good TV first :)
Switch said:
With Gears of war and the new capcom FPS game(Forgot its name... It was featured on Gamer TV last week and looked just about as good as Gears of war) and with crysis announced for 360... I DONT THINK SO...

I for one will mostly be going in for 360 sooner then later... Just need to get a good TV first :)

or u could get the vx2025 & hook it up on that & play on 720p. its a really good alternative & u also get a good screen for your pc.
Switch said:
With Gears of war and the new capcom FPS game(Forgot its name... It was featured on Gamer TV last week and looked just about as good as Gears of war) and with crysis announced for 360... I DONT THINK SO...

I for one will mostly be going in for 360 sooner then later... Just need to get a good TV first :)

or u could get the vx2025 & hook it up on that & play on 720p. its a really good alternative & u also get a good screen for your pc.
Well billy was right about one thing:-- Ps3 has a crappy graphics card and there is no way ps3 graphics will ever be better than xbox360's.
well..isnt there always a chance that ps3 could come out with a v2 like zephyr, with an upgraded graphics unit? It already has a massive processing unit..cant the gpu be just upgraded?
just some thoughts.
Gates has been running off his mouth against the PS3 more than normal now, its only natural for him to do so at this time.

Sony should play the wiser role and not try to counter Gates's insults. It'll come to Gates automatically once Ps3 acually starts getting its real games.

About graphics, I'll say this everytime a topic like this will come up. It'll be Halo 3 vs MGS4, Crysis vs Final Fantasy 13. I'll comment no further, the public shall witness!
Well its his product. So he will obviously say its better. but that does not change the facts that X360 has better graphic capabilities. Its GPU is whole generation ahead of PS3.

PS3 will surely get better. But so will XBOX and its fact that same game can be made to look better on xbox 360 and that wont change.

And smith consoles are never upgraded in graphic / processing capabilities. That causes incompatibility issues. PS3 will never get GPU upgrade.
There's always trashtalk going back and forth. Just recently, Kaz was going on about how the X360 will never be as powerfull as the PS3. There's nothing here to comment or debate on.

well..isnt there always a chance that ps3 could come out with a v2 like zephyr, with an upgraded graphics unit? It already has a massive processing unit..cant the gpu be just upgraded?

And what about those who already purchased a PS3? This isn't PC gaming. This would just hurt everyone involved - the gamers, the developers and Sony themselves.
Bill Gates said:
The novelty of Wii could wear off without good graphics to go with it,

Yup, Mr.Gates, I've said sensed that before too. Already, only Zelda has received the best ratings on Wii, and that too with Gamecube version being on par. But Wii's opened to an immense fanbase, its growing back to the Snes era. Where 2007 will only warm up Ps3 and X360, it will decide the type of platform Wii really is.
Gates is wrong with that. The novelty will wear off only if there are no good games to support it in a continuous manner. Graphics matter little. I could easily just pull my DS vs. PSP card to prove it as well.
Switch said:
With Gears of war and the new capcom FPS game(Forgot its name... It was featured on Gamer TV last week and looked just about as good as Gears of war) and with crysis announced for 360... I DONT THINK SO...

New Capcom game = Lost Planet. Its going to be another great exclusive to X360's list. Gaining Capcom's side has been the best thing that has happened to X360 yet. Resident Evil 5 + 2 exclusives (Dead Rising + Lost Planet).

And yes, like I said, games in 2007 will decide how the Wii will play out. Except Zelda, hardly any other Wii launch game has opened to a great reception (close to Ps3's case). Nintendo has been taking out new initiatives to gaming with DS and Wii. DS has done brilliant so far, Wii should go on the same track *if* it gets games that truly make the use of wiimote and not make it feel like a gimmick.

Unlike the DS, the Wii is not facing a newcomer to handhelds/consoles, but is against two powerful veterans (a company with a base that has tasted unimaginable success since the last two generations, and a company operated by the World's richest man ;) )
I don't agree with you there. The Wii is definitely going against the PS3 and the X360 but it isn't competing with them in the same areas. As such, The Wii's success or failure entirely rests in Ninty's hands and whatever devs they can get to push games for it.

Also, more titles have been recieved well on the Wii than they have on the PS3 at launch(i.e, the Wii had a superior launch). Supermonkey ball, Madden, Trauma center, Wii sports are such games.
Yeah, somebody said before everyone will get a Wii (think it was one of M$'s representative), but it depends what they get along with it (Ps3 or X360). I think Wii alone won't satisfy the tastes of any gamer looking for next-gen fully.

Wii will probably stay ahead in sales than X360 and Ps3 even though the Wii and Ps3/X360 are directed at different level of customers.

And complaints are coming in for Madden crashing a lot on Wii and X360 btw.
That is true. I find it hard to believe that people will be satisfied owning a Wii alone this gen. It certainly is a must buy though since it is unique in comparison. The actual decision lies between the X360 and the PS3.
LOL whats there to fight in this :P. The graphics chip on the PS3 was more of an afterthought. Sony tried to make the Cell to do graphics for more than two years and failed. Then it went to nvidia in search of a graphics chip. Since the graphics chip wasn't supposed to be there at the very beginning, nv just put a castrated 7900 chip in it to do the job... I have no idea what sony execs were smoking :P.
KingKrool said:
Actually, people say Wii + PS3 or Wii + X360.
They seem to forget Wii + PC.

Well Wii + PC = Not enough game titles... If there were enough good game titles for the PC then this will hold true but PC can never have as many game titles as a console...

Also for a gamer a console is a console is a console :P
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