Prior to distributing the Metldr Keys, Hotz had extensive contacts with Californiarelating to his efforts to hack the PS3 System. Specifically, Hotz used Google’s Blogspotservice based in California to generate interest in his circumvention of the PS3 System.Hotz touted his hacking exploits on his interactive “On the PlayStation 3†blog. BrickerDecl., ¶18, Exh. P. On that California-hosted blog, Hotz openly interacted with othersregarding his hacking of the PS3 System. Id.
Now, in an attempt to avoid jurisdiction, Hotz disingenuously argues that sinceGoogle maintains the site, Google is responsible for its interactivity and not Hotz. Yet it isHotz who chose to blog about his unlawful conduct and to have discussions with thirdparties regarding that same conduct over the Internet. 12Additionally, Hotz has usedother interactive tools based in this District, such as Twitter and YouTube, to report on hishacking of the PS3 System. Bricker Decl., ¶15, Exh. K; Docket No. 28, (Bricker Decl.,¶24, Exh. W). Hotz also utilized an account with PayPal, a California company, throughwhich SCEA believes that Hotz received financial benefit relating to his circumventionactivities. Bricker Decl., ¶23, Exh. U. 13Hotz has also given an interview regarding hishacking of the PS3 System to The Register, an online technology publication whose U.S.operation is based in San Francisco, California. Bricker Decl., ¶13, Exh. I. Thesecontacts together with the harm Hotz aimed at SCEA in California are easily sufficient toestablish personal jurisdiction.