Get the Microsoft XBox 360 in India...Officially

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That price is for a limited edition core system.

Microsoft Xbox

Funnily enough, elsewhere on the site, they talk about wireless controllers and HDDs which I thought were found only in the premium editions (my memory sucks, so I may be wrong).
This is actually very reasonabily priced taking into consideration the Playstation 2 costed around 30k when it was first released.
Chaos said:
Its the core system and horrendously overpriced :(

You're 100% right since this is for a crap core system and not the premium edition.

@Kingkrool-You're not wrong,the wireless controllers are for the premium edition and not for the core system..this could be a gimmick just to increase the sales of the core system as they had another gimmick in some other country where you get 2 free games of your choice with the core system whereas there's nothing for the premium edition.And my dad is compelling me to select a suitable x360 package for my cousin's(whom I hate) birthday :@
^^hahaahah oh man...thts such a b**ch..

would only go for a next gen console when theres a working mod chip in place ;)

till then....keep saving !! lol
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