The game gets very good from Level 9Happy to report that I'm enjoying this game a lot. Almost closing in on the 3rd chapter now and I love the use of gadgets for each missions, weapon customisation and the use of team work. Weapon customisation is absolutely detailed, down to the very last bit. A major concern, in my case, is the performance of this game. It's absolutely unforgiving, even if I tried to sacrifie all the fancy details. I'm getting around 22-30fps at maxed out setting in DX11 mode. I tried to disable all the additional features and keep only 1080p resolution with V-Sync ON and it didn't help much and the game looked like garbage. Also, I'm facing some odd speech sound looping issues. This game definitely needs a patch. Other than that, I'm enjoying it more than whatever the last COD title was and Battlefield 3's SP campaign.![]()
A major concern, in my case, is the performance of this game. It's absolutely unforgiving, even if I tried to sacrifie all the fancy details. I'm getting around 22-30fps at maxed out setting in DX11 mode. I tried to disable all the additional features and keep only 1080p resolution with V-Sync ON and it didn't help much and the game looked like garbage. Also, I'm facing some odd speech sound looping issues. This game definitely needs a patch. Other than that, I'm enjoying it more than whatever the last COD title was and Battlefield 3's SP campaign.![]()
graphics wise its bad and game play isnt too good eitherIs this game any good??
Waiting for Dark Souls and Spider Man. When are they releasing on the PC?