Hi all.
Me and my friends have got hold of a devious plan that girls are scheming again.
Like their infamous 'br@- colour game', this time they have it slightly different.
This is in the interest of all boys, to avoid making them appear as uninformed fools. So lets foil their plan!
here's more info - http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/1820/3262010103134pm.png
cheers, guys! :hap2:
Me and my friends have got hold of a devious plan that girls are scheming again.
Like their infamous 'br@- colour game', this time they have it slightly different.
This is in the interest of all boys, to avoid making them appear as uninformed fools. So lets foil their plan!
here's more info - http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/1820/3262010103134pm.png
cheers, guys! :hap2: