GO + Deal : LCD Monitors 19/20/22/24"

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satanofgamers said:
this sucks man the monitors lying here at the ariport for a week blody west bengal rule to have a way bill fr everything... going to the airport today to try and pay my way off.. wish me luck.. i really really need itt :( :(

if its shipped via blue dart door2door, won't they handle this for you?

if having a way bill for evrything is mandatory, they must have it with em.
ApeX said:
if its shipped via blue dart door2door, won't they handle this for you?
if having a way bill for evrything is mandatory, they must have it with em.

These monitors r billed in Karnataka. Tax money goes to KTK govt. Bengal or any State govt guys don encourage free entry when they don earn tax out of it. Hence pay some % of the tax value and purchase a permit. But Bengal and UP state tax office are the most corrupt in the country, will be really troublesome to purchase a permit. :ashamed:
Cappuccino said:
These monitors r billed in Karnataka. Tax money goes to KTK govt. Bengal or any State govt guys don encourage free entry when they don earn tax out of it. Hence pay some % of the tax value and purchase a permit. But Bengal and UP state tax office are the most corrupt in the country, will be really troublesome to purchase a permit. :ashamed:

k..but the point being..dell isn't sending the monitor directly. so, in all fairness, its a non-commercial shipment. no-one (i hope) is getting the monitor for resale. so, why should any of us pay the sale tax?? :S

do u have to produce a way bill/permit for every courier that u receive? why shud this be treated any differently? its just like any other domestic shipment intended as a gift for personal use.
finally.. got the monitor in my handss..

Well this rule only applies for west bengal any non documentation items requires a way bill even if its door to door everything passes to sales tax to get it cleared .. and since there was no proper bill i couldnt get a way bill for it..in other words.. its another way for the sales tax department to earn some pocket money :P

well hd to pay 400 bucks to get it cleared.. all they needed was a bloody stamp..

well got the monitor will go home and install it.. thanks a million raghu for bearing with me and helping me with this...
ApeX said:
k..but the point being..dell isn't sending the monitor directly. so, in all fairness, its a non-commercial shipment. no-one (i hope) is getting the monitor for resale. so, why should any of us pay the sale tax?? :S

do u have to produce a way bill/permit for every courier that u receive? why shud this be treated any differently? its just like any other domestic shipment intended as a gift for personal use.

Agreed that gifts shudn't fall in the tax category. But wat abt ppl who misuse this ? Sales tax guy wud obviously have a prob cos electronics is available every where in India. Y wud sum1 get it shipped from BLR and tat too in the original company packing ? I guess both of us are at fault. :(
U hadn't reached home yet....where'd ya post this message from then, a cyber cafe....with the monitor :P
naah posted it at my office.. monitor was in my car :P

@cappuccino .. dude all i can say is that i love the corruption of our country :P anything can be done... :P
Cappuccino said:
Agreed that gifts shudn't fall in the tax category. But wat abt ppl who misuse this ? Sales tax guy wud obviously have a prob cos electronics is available every where in India. Y wud sum1 get it shipped from BLR and tat too in the original company packing ? I guess both of us are at fault. :(

satanofgamers said:
naah posted it at my office.. monitor was in my car :P

@cappuccino .. dude all i can say is that i love the corruption of our country :P anything can be done... :P

i'd love to know the proper procedure though..without bribing your way out. :ohyeah:

like what you actually need to do..how to get the way bill officially for non-commercial packets etc.
satanofgamers said:
finally.. got the monitor in my handss..
Well this rule only applies for west bengal any non documentation items requires a way bill even if its door to door everything passes to sales tax to get it cleared .. and since there was no proper bill i couldnt get a way bill for it..in other words.. its another way for the sales tax department to earn some pocket money :P
well hd to pay 400 bucks to get it cleared.. all they needed was a bloody stamp..
well got the monitor will go home and install it.. thanks a million raghu for bearing with me and helping me with this...

Sorry for the troubles mate. I was held up with project work (priority), so couldnt help with the bill either. Wish I could have helped with the "bill".

Hey you can ask Supra for his settings - it looks real good on his piece. You still might need to make some minor adjustments after that.

ok guys here is the official way (specific to UP, must be similar for other states) of getting these monitors from Raghu:-

u have to obtain a Form.32 which is basically a decleration that they are not for resale and only for personal use. till that is true, u can buy anything from anywhere in India without paying any additional tax (except for Mumbai where Octroi is applicable).

now for obtaining Form.32, a legal document has to be prepared on a stamp paper (afidavit) which has to be countersigned by a licenced legal practitioner. a roadside one will charge u around 100bucks and a good one upto 1800bucks!

the afidavit has to be scrutinied by aleast 2 sales tax officers. u have to give a personal interview to both. then a Form.33 has to be filled which is again countersigned by an officer. Form.33 requires a lot of things to be attached like PAN card xeror, bank statement, identity proof, residence proof etc. finally if everything is OK a Form.32 is issued.

just to give u an idea..... a wrong Form.32 in the hands of a dealer can help him evade lacs worth of tax. also if u dont furnish a Form.32 then a penalty of upto 40% of the assessed cost (not declared cost!) plus six times the amount of tax due can be levied on u!

the only silver lining is that u can possibly furnish Form.32 after ur consignment has been caught by the ST dept. u gotta act as if u were gettin a Form.32 but the shipment got released before by mistake. u have to take a legal practitioner into confidence to prepare a pre dated afidavit. then grease some palms and get a Form.32 ASAP.
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^^ Lol. Or you can get me flight tickets (which might actually be cheaper) and I will happily deliver to your place. Hey victor, you should be able to track the shipment now on GATI. Let me know when you get it.

Some Courier guys might not ask for the below. But otherwise :

3. JAMMU & KASHMIR - 12.5 % ENTRY TAX & ORIGINAL D/L ( tax component might vary )
12. WEST BENGAL - ( 0% TAX ) FORM-50

Rest of them dont require any documentation at all.
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