GO/IC : Newly Launched Intel C2Ds E6550, E6750, Q6600

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Btw for peps looking out for P35 mobos...Zebby is distributing Biostar TForce TP35D2-A7 boards for 6.9k +taxes.

G0 availability will be updated by today evening or max by tmr noon :P
Good work Supra, try to offer bundles if you want to peak people's interest... that Biostar board is one badass overclocker for it's price ;)
Hey, Delta has listed the E6550 and E6750 at 7.9 and 8.9 respectively.

So check if prices have dropped from your distri too :)

Edit: Sorry, adder beat me to it :ashamed:
will update all prices tmr...concentrating more on Q6600 G0 stepping ....prices only when I get hold of them...as no one interested in a B3
E6750+?? which mobo below 10k= total cost??

cuz when i read the anadtech benchmarks the E6750 and the Q6600 were almost at the same level although ppl prefer the Q6600 for 3d rendering and those kinda stuff but the E6750 is recomended for gaming thats just the conclusion of the reveiw at anadtech
actually the E6850 is the exact same price as the quad...

puts u in quiet a predicament.

and no doubt the Biostar Tforce PT35D.. is a great VFM board for overclocking these new cpus :)
only problem with the quad being the cooling. Overclocking the current 65 nano quads either requires some serious air cooling or water. comparatively overclocking the duals is much easier due to the lower tdp and mobo requirements. so for gaming(ie gaming right now since hardly any games are threaded for more than 2 cores, if at all) an overclocked dual core is still the best bet and will cost less. Also a 1066 Mhz FSB processor would be the better choice for overclocking obviously

edit: are u sure abt the G0 stepping for the Q6600 supra? i thought that would be comin out only later and reduce the TDP to 90W
PRICES UPDATED on 28th July @ 7 pm

E6550--G0 stepping--- 7700+shipping
E6750--G0 stepping --- 8700+shipping
E6850--G0 stepping-----13000+shipping
Q6600---B3 stepping for nw(G0 not here yet :()----12900+shipping

Wait for g0 availability update on Monday
Not sure how credible the info is. Ad1tya has posted on XS that G0 quaddy is available in Mumbai. But he doesnt have any at hand though.
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