Good voice and Data plan in Karnataka ?

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Hey guys. I'm going to Mysore in the next month . I will need a new connection which provides good STD voice plans as well as data plans. So please suggest one such that I have good signal all over the city and cheap STD rate with good data plan( do Reliance smart / docomo etc have UL STD ? )

Thanks. :)
I know Reliance CDMA and Tata Indicom are providing unlimited on-net STD calls but their data plan sucks...right now Tata Docomo has best data plans...
sabby said:
Thanks ! I am actually looking for gsm connections. :)
if data is your priority then go for docomo for voice you can opt for a cheap CDMA handset+ connection
i would opt for the tata indicom.
wel i had ben in mysore for a lon time and frankly speakin all the operators have nice coverage through out the city so don wory bout coverage.for data i wud suggest docomo. they got good sts rated though there is no onnet free calls
Thanks guys. I've checked the docomo site and the 48/- STV ( 2 GB ) seems perfect for my need. I don't need any onnet free calls but cheap / free STD ( with STVs ) plans will be helpful to call my home and friends. I don't think I'll stay there too long to buy another handset and I already have an extra gsm handset. So, I can get a separate connection for cheap ST calls.
i think the 48 pack gives u 2gb for any time of the day.that's the msg i got from docomo.but yes i do agree that it was 2gb for night previously.but they have changed it
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