Google AdSense -- Whats are the Pros and COns

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Well Ive started updating my blog quite regularly in the recent days and intend continuing doing so in the future.

The question is whether the ads put up by the Google Adsense -- are they really worth putting up on blogs and more importantly what is their method of payment.

Now ive read the pages at and me feels its quite good but still want to know about the payment system and any problems.

Please put up ur suggestions and comments regarding this.

All kinds of help solicited.

It is well worth the space it occupies on your page. It becomes even better when your page starts receiving more hits. They have their own system to work out the cost per click. Check out

or your account at adsense for more information.

Payments are made by International Cheques if i am correct. TE uses adsense if i'm correct.

Yes the cheques are international but you can get them in your local currency if you want.
However the payment will be made only when your cheques cross 100$ and the payments are made in cycles of one month only.
Its good to put them if you have lots of visitors. Here on TE we have that but the click rate is not very good yet although we have so many hits.
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