Party Monger said:This wil probably be a dud..
They are again use linux as the base..
One must understand the major reason people use windows is because they dont have to deal with "driver problems" cause windows supports a very wide array of devices, secondly because they maintain compatibility with old programs that used to run on Win 95 or even DOS..
I expected google's attempt at an os to be much more stronger, and not just a shell on linux base..
What i expected:-
1) Some way they could use windows drivers and not require new drivers..
2) Something more than just fast and simple..something innovative..
Lol, look like you got offended.Trust me, I didn't mean to offend youParty Monger said:You wont need to educate me abt linux..I know its reach in almost al ways possible and when i made that comment you should have analysed it in depth..
When i said driver support i didnt mean generic support. For Eg: my laptop's audio out sounds awesome on Win7, while its trashy on ubuntu..
While it might not be suited for purposes like gaming or DTP.Linux is well suited for average joe's everyday use. nearly all hardware is supported out of the box, leaving few exceptions.Secondly its not the manufacturer's problem that an Os is not popular/good enough to be supported with proper drivers..
Gaurish said:Lol, look like you got offended.Trust me, I didn't mean to offend you
Code:When i said driver support i didnt mean generic support. For Eg: my laptop's audio out sounds awesome on Win7, while its trashy on ubuntu..
you must be using some proprietary hardware that is why support is poor
While it might not be suited for purposes like gaming or DTP.Linux is well suited for average joe's everyday use. nearly all hardware is supported out of the box, leaving few exceptions.
tracerbullet said:Well, then thank god you don't work in the OS marketing department. Google's direction makes perfect sense to me:
1. Start on the small scale with a relatively less complex product (Android)
2. Move to the middle division where overheads and complexities can still be kept low (netbook territory)
3. Finally make a proper desktop-worthy operating system that can offer a competitive experience to Windows.
There's a long while to go for that last bit, I feel. At least a couple of years. I expect to see Google do something similar to what Intel did with Moblin and Asus with its linux-based Eee PC variant. I guess we need to wait and watch to find out.
kallu_be said:But the question is what are the needs of average joe's. The linux is developed for the developers but not the users. Most of the requests/features by so called average joe's are ignored by the developers, and the reason linux is still the operating system for the basement nerds/geeks but not the mainstream junta. Finally most of the software don't work out of box and linux as desktop is slower than windows for many reasons.
Party Monger said:When we talk of google wanting to take over the OS market, it can do so by one upping windows 7 or corresponding OS, You wont trade your awesome Os for a POS OS which will rather prove to be a downgrade..
What you are suggesting is simply the apple way, if google is happy with 5-7% of the desktop market like apple, then it seems like a fair attempt..else im dissappointed..
Understand the point instead of going by just the examples, the end user doesnt care abt proprietary or non proprietary shit..they jsut want the hardware to work with out hassle..
Gaurish said:I Do Agree that Commercial OS like Windows have more polished desktops experience but Linux distros Like Ubuntu aren't far behind. try KDE4 - Its UI is totally revamped and looks new age. plus you should remember its all free. for commercial solution, you have to spend 10grand on software licenses alone.
By average Joe, I meant Someone who does basic tasks like Surfing the internet,checking e-mail,Office applications etc.
Gaurish said:you must be using some proprietary hardware that is why support is poor![]()
desiibond said:They why is the audio in my home linux PC sound ridiculous too and why can't I use my TV Tuner card even when I try all available tv apps in linux?
Linux is good for use in servers that do lot of multitasking, but for home use, there no question windows is the only OS capable of doing everything you want a home PC to do.
They got almost everyone except MicrosoftThe Google Chrome OS team is currently working with a number of technology companies to design and build devices that deliver an extraordinary end user experience. Among others, these companies include Acer, Adobe, ASUS, Freescale, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, and Toshiba.
rock8549 said:i fear the track record of google is not that good when it comes to privacy , just look at the some of terms of conditions in some of the google software for example when chrome browser came out there was this clause in terms of services which stated that google had right to license any content that went through the browser, which later it had to retract from , then look at gmail , it was the first email services which actually went through ur email or conversation u are having ,for example just send an email regarding taking a holiday in shimla, u will surprised to find holiday advertising in ur page, then take google desktop for example which tracks which websites ur visiting so that it can serve u with personalised news. how much google may try to be a software company , point is more 95 % of its revenue came from advertising, so all its software are geared to provide data to company so that it can provide better results in advertising.