Google LG Nexus 4 Pre Order, 8GB - Rs.21728/- & 16GB - Rs.25490/-

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@hmasalia : Congrats! :)

So you have ordered total four units? Two on 28th Nov and another two on 2nd Dec?

My order from Dec 6th is still not shipped! :(
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Yes! Total of 4 Units, 1 for me, and the balance for a cousin and 2 for friends,
Used the same id and the same credit card to make the transaction.
Cant wait for someone to cancel to can self it off for a premium on ebay :P
My other two are also getting despatched tomorrow,
Google just charged me on my cell.

- - - Updated - - -

Its being shipped, to New York, I am yet to take delivery for the consignment.
Got a mail saying they couldn't charge my card for my order on Dec 6th! :( Will update it tomorrow, hope it doesn't delay the shipment further.

It kind of does Vivek, find out from the Bank if they blocked the payment or if there is some other issue. Update the details ASAP and shoot Google a mail or better yet call them on their US helpline.
Yes! Total of 4 Units, 1 for me, and the balance for a cousin and 2 for friends,
Used the same id and the same credit card to make the transaction.
Cant wait for someone to cancel to can self it off for a premium on ebay :P
I might be interested in one/two if at all it goes on sale(for a good price of course) :) :wishful thinking: And as you know, Im from Visakhapatnam.
I should stop fearing the process and should order one myself actually. :-\
yay!! even i got charged for 2nd dec 2 orders for 16gb Nexus 4. :D :) i hope a shipping notification email is in the pipeline. Nothing yet for my 28th Dec order for 8GB N4
Sorry buddy, all the phones are booked, and I am them against order,
and knowing the current price I am sure they will take delivery and then sell the same outside the market.

Now I need to order another 2, another couple of friends wants it....

1st Lot expected to be recieved by SNS office on 31st.

- - - Updated - - -

I might be interested in one/two if at all it goes on sale(for a good price of course) :) :wishful thinking: And as you know, Im from Visakhapatnam.
I should stop fearing the process and should order one myself actually. :-\

Order one, its simple,
It kind of does Vivek, find out from the Bank if they blocked the payment or if there is some other issue. Update the details ASAP and shoot Google a mail or better yet call them on their US helpline.

Oh :(

They had released the authorization few days back and I didn't realise the available credit in my card was less than 22k.
Will update card details asap and call them.
i got shipping notification for one 16 gb Nexus 4.... had ordered on 2nd December, shipping estimate given was 6-7 weeks.
i had ordered 8gb(8 to 9weeks shipping estimate) on 28th November for myself followed by 2 x 16gb for my colleagues at work on 2nd December. so 16gb which got shipped is not for me. I have never waited this long for a phone, and this better be worth it, if its not, its surely the first and last LG product which i have bought.
My order of 2 Nexus 4 16 GB from 1st December just shipped, woohoo! before you guys ask me, it's for family and not for sale, unless someone is ready to pay like 40k or something, then I'd understand :p
It kind of does Vivek, find out from the Bank if they blocked the payment or if there is some other issue. Update the details ASAP and shoot Google a mail or better yet call them on their US helpline.

Even after making an excess payment to the card and after verifying I have more than enough available credit to cover the transaction, it is not going through. As the per the bank's system its getting declined due to insufficient funds, but even the CC rep is not able to figure out the exact reason. Asked me to call tomorrow as the concerned department isn't working today! :(
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