Got an Xbox 360(Jasper)... KMD is a dude !!!

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dharmilstar said:
offcourse opening the xbox requires you to remove the MS seal or sticker. if it is tampered in anyway, warranty is void.

IMO the moment you pick up a screwdriver and point it towards your box, you are kissing the warranty bye bye.

I connected my jasper and went online and updated it. Now when I use it to connect to my Vista PC with Vista Media Center Extender, I can play songs and see pics but cant play divxs? I was under the impression that the dec 2007 update gave Xbox divx compatibilty.
Any suggestions or thoughts?
You cannot play Divx thru the Media center ... Connect to the media from your xbox without using the Media center and it will play Divx files....

What I mean by the above statement is connect to your PC without opening the media center use the the XBox interface itself and search for the media on your computer...

You should be able to play any Divx files.....It weird but I don't know why MS does not allow Divx files thru Media center......
congrats on the 360

dharmilstar said:
offcourse opening the xbox requires you to remove the MS seal or sticker. if it is tampered in anyway, warranty is void.

spacenoxx said:
IMO the moment you pick up a screwdriver and point it towards your box, you are kissing the warranty bye bye.

i find these 2 comments funny. there is a lot for you 2 to learn about the 360. seems like yall have never actually opened the box otherwise you would know. hehe
stormblast said:
congrats on the 360
i find these 2 comments funny. there is a lot for you 2 to learn about the 360. seems like yall have never actually opened the box otherwise you would know. hehe

Yeah. I never opened an xbox 360. However in order to extract the key from the lite-on that the jasper comes with you need to unscrew some screws. That will help MS identify that the box has been tampered with and deny warranty.

Let me know if you think otherwise.
spacenoxx said:
Yeah. I never opened an xbox 360. However in order to extract the key from the lite-on that the jasper comes with you need to unscrew some screws. That will help MS identify that the box has been tampered with and deny warranty.

Let me know if you think otherwise.

your wrong again :)
spacenoxx said:
I have been wrong many times in my life so this isn't new. However unless you can prove or explain, it doesn't really matter, right ? :bleh:

dharmilstar said:
@ stormblast
can u explain how does opening the 360 doesnt require to remove seal or void warranty?

google it. u will learn how to do it from various videos that show how to mod the 360. there is a way to remove the seal & then put it back without anyone knowing that it was actually removed.

& i dont own a 360 anymore. i dint bother to take pics when i modded the 1 i had earlier.

lastly when ms takes your console to replace they dont open n check. they just check if your console is PAL & then check the serial number if it is in warranty or no.

Hope that helped.
stormblast said:
google it. u will learn how to do it from various videos that show how to mod the 360. there is a way to remove the seal & then put it back without anyone knowing that it was actually removed.

& i dont own a 360 anymore. i dint bother to take pics when i modded the 1 i had earlier.

lastly when ms takes your console to replace they dont open n check. they just check if your console is PAL & then check the serial number if it is in warranty or no.

Hope that helped.

removing the seal and sticking it back altogether is a different thing. my reply was for superczar who said nopes, opening the xbox doesnt require breaking any seals
also now the silver seal is replaced by green MS label/sticker which is more difficult to reapply.

also dont be in the misconception that MS doesnt check the seal. if it is tampered they wont honour the warranty. it basically is more of luck coz the courier guy comes with the replacement console. sometime they remove the faceplate and check and sometimes they just take the console without checking. there have even been cases where people have replaced out of region consoles from MS India lol.

lastly i would advice everyone not to open the 360 unless they know what they are doing.
abhi said:
I saw a video on repairing rrod ....i wanted to know does it really work??

there is no permanent fix for rrod. it depends on your luck, it may work for 1 day or even 1 year. also avoid the towel trick. if your console is in warranty, get it replaced by MS.
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