GPS Question

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My experience with Garmin Mobile XT has been pretty good. Its free for life (search around on Symbian forums and you'll get step-by-step instructions to get the *ahem* version).

If you take the official route as well, Garmin beats Ovi hands down any day.
nishantgandhi said:
My experience with Garmin Mobile XT has been pretty good. Its free for life (search around on Symbian forums and you'll get step-by-step instructions to get the *ahem* version).

If you take the official route as well, Garmin beats Ovi hands down any day.

the problem is garmin mobile xt is only available for symbian and winmo. not for android.and yes i feel garmin better than ovi.
amit.mastermind said:
ovi maps are free for s60v5 and s60v3 devices.

this can be of some help.

But my 5233 is Symbian S60 V5. I wonder why I am not being able to access the maps then :(

H2O said:
I have a Nokia 5233 (No GPS just AGPS) but it works like a charm with GPRS. Its not dead accurate with lanes and stuff, but it updates fine when moving. Major roads have not been a problem yet. Checked in Bangalore and Kolkata.

Can you use voice navigation as well ? To me it tells me that its a premium service and I need to pay like 260 bucks for 30 days and like 700 for a year long license.
nishantgandhi said:
If you take the official route as well, Garmin beats Ovi hands down any day.
here i have to disagree, garmin is paid and ovi is not. and bothe have almost same maps available. so free one wins
nishantgandhi said:
My experience with Garmin Mobile XT has been pretty good. Its free for life (search around on Symbian forums and you'll get step-by-step instructions to get the *ahem* version).

If you take the official route as well, Garmin beats Ovi hands down any day.

Does Garmin have detailed India maps ?
@ vashishta.shushant. have u updated ur phone and ovi maps.

btw u cant use voice navigation in 5233 as it doesn't have gps receiver onboard ithink.
amit.mastermind said:
@ vashishta.shushant. have u updated ur phone and ovi maps.

btw u cant use voice navigation in 5233 as it doesn't have gps receiver onboard ithink.

Yes I have updated the maps and all.

Again, The voice navigation kinda works. When I start a route, it tells me something for an instant (like it say go left and bla bla) but then after 15 secs, it just starts updating the maps and then tells me that Voice Navigation is a premium service and asks for credit card details :P

Creepy, if you ask me :P
Vasishta.Sushant said:
When I start a route, it tells me something for an instant (like it say go left and bla bla) but then after 15 secs, it just starts updating the maps and then tells me that Voice Navigation is a premium service and asks for credit card details :P

Creepy, if you ask me :P

LOL. Does it say something like, "for the next direction, please provide your credit card details or else I will direct you to the cemetery"? :rofl:
ajab.ghajab said:
LOL. Does it say something like, "for the next direction, please provide your credit card details or else I will direct you to the cemetery"? :rofl:

Would have loved that actually. At least it'd have given me some directions. In my case this thing simply refuse to show me anything :(
piyush_888 said:
I want to use navigation on the spica, like I wanna be able to enter "paradise" on the software and the phone should automatically detect where I am and gimme directions to that place from my current location.

How can I best achieve that in the spica? How much will it cost me?
Is there any free alternative to that?

There was one free option called MGMaps which beats the crap out of all other similar software's. But ur fone has Android OS isnt? so it wont work.

Advantage of mgmaps over others:
Completely free, no need for gprs or cell coverage
Uses google map, best coverage in india.
Has most POI's(point of interest)
Can download and store maps in memory card.
Regularly updated accurate maps(google) which even shows unimportant street roads:)

No voice navigation
Mgmaps even shows local two bench tea stalls in my area:clap:,which is not possible with any other softwares,
it can do this by taking POI's frm wikimapia:ohyeah:
Vasishta.Sushant said:
But my 5233 is Symbian S60 V5. I wonder why I am not being able to access the maps then :(
Can you use voice navigation as well ? To me it tells me that its a premium service and I need to pay like 260 bucks for 30 days and like 700 for a year long license.
No I do not use Voice Navigation I just use Google Maps with GPRS. Yet to try out Ovi Maps from Nokia.
for android phone users
if u have unlimited gprs use google maps. its free. its great.

if not
get sygic + mapmyindia maps. this is a great solution.
and has very detailed maps.
-=Unreal=- said:

hav u tried sygic + mapmyindia maps?? wts the total cost?

yup i have tried it works well.
it doesnt require net connection. just gps.
gives turn by turn navigation. and also voice guidance and POI's.
i would suggest you do some search on youtube to see how it works.
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