Grand Theft Auto VI (GTA 6/VI) / Upcoming Grand Theft Auto Title


That logo looks dope!
It is not enough. There are dips below 60 fps in various locations. What I mean by max settings is everything set to max even in advance settings. Of course you can leave the anti-alising off for obvious reasons.

But at 1080p the gtx 1080 is not enough to run the game fully max out. The shadows in this game when maxed out are truly fps killer. I had the card and benchmarked every thing. Yes, the game is optimized very well. But the max out settings are not really for everyone, it's only for the freaks.

View attachment 184676

Advanced settings notwithstanding, yes a GTX 1080 is enough at 4K with the very high preset. Even the 1% lows are above 60. In the screenshot you linked, it shows 4GB VRAM. The 1080 has 8. I think you meant the GTX 980.

is depressed, has mental health issues etc, etc etc.
I'm 31 and avoided all this by not getting married (neither do I plan to anytime soon, if at all) :playful:
I am the only one who became uninterested in these gta games? Didn't feel any good about that trailer as well.
side effects of growing up. GoW (Well few others like Dark Souls and souls like, Armoured Core, Zelda etc) is the only game from my childhood that still makes my heart race, but that's cuz Sony/Santa Monica matured and built up the series.
from the trailer it doesnt look any different from gta v. imo it'll be just a slight upgrade of gta v, maybe more car choices, more random things to do, a different storyline. just gta v in backwater florida instead of LA. i dont expect the story to be any better because iirc the writers for rockstar left the studio some time ago. with how disappointing games made by big name studios have been this decade gta 6 could either follow on the same track or be a huge success and remind EA and Dice of what development of an actual successful game looks like.
The White Bikini Girl - Is this Lucia?
No, sadly. Did anyone see the Ocean View Hotel in the trailer? I think around the time they showed the classic Cheetah. Could identify some of the GTA V vehicles.

Definitely inspired by Bonnie and Clyde. But I don't think it has a Bonnie and Clyde story, but the couple themselves are heavily inspired by the infamous duo.
Anyone noticed in the poster? Lucia has that ankle bracelet thing. I guess for some parts of the story, we can't roam the entire map. Just want a long campaign with a super interesting story like San Andreas/IV after GTA V. And here's to hoping the map isn't like GTA V, where there was only mountain/mountainous region than city. I was a child when GTA V came out. And I'll be working or something when GTA VI comes out. Damn.
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No, sadly. Did anyone see the Ocean View Hotel in the trailer? I think around the time they showed the classic Cheetah. Could identify some of the GTA V vehicles.

Definitely inspired by Bonnie and Clyde. But I don't think it has a Bonnie and Clyde story, but the couple themselves are heavily inspired by the infamous duo.
Anyone noticed in the poster? Lucia has that ankle bracelet thing. I guess for some parts of the story, we can't roam the entire map. Just want a long campaign with a super interesting story like San Andreas/IV after GTA V. And here's to hoping the map isn't like GTA V, where there was only mountain/mountainous region than city. I was a child when GTA V came out. And I'll be working or something when GTA VI comes out. Damn.

There is actually a Reddit user who did some screenshot comparison from the trailer between the White Bikini Girl and Lucia:


^^ As you can see from the comparison screenshot it's highly likely that the White Bikini Girl could very well be Lucia!

This game is definitely going to have an interesting story. To see if Lucia starts from the prison, gets her probation (which can be clearly ascertained as she is wearing an Ankle Tag in the GTA VI poster) and then goes from that point to to doing big scores with Jason and getting consumed by the glitzy and glamorous lifestyle in Leonidas. Also, how does Jason come along and is he only a second fiddle in the story allowing Lucia to call the shots or does he separate and then his story pans out differently. Is the all important "Trust" going to last or crack at some point and we get a revenge story?!

We shall see...

Now to the Neon Lit streets:


^^ Excuse my Paint-job skills, LoL!

1 - is Ocean View Hotel (Vice City safe-house memories!)

2 - is a massive tribute to one of my favorite shows of the 80's... Miami Vice. The way the two men are getting out of the Cheetah in this shot is exactly how Crockett and Tubbs used to get out of Sonny's white Testarossa! Straight jog on good memories! This was also picked up by another video on Youtube.

3 - Did you see there is a green Iguana perched on the back of the Homeless man? These run amok in Florida (so Leonida)! :D
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The trailer looks amazing. I just hope its worth the wait. It's been hyped up so much it would be shame if it was anything like cyberpunk 2077 on launch.
Grand Theft Auto 6 may release on PC only a few months after the console launch
Corsair's VP of finance has said during an earnings call that he believes Grand Theft Auto 6 will be released on PC, and it's not one whole year later.

Despite speculation of a simultaneous release, Rockstar Games will follow its traditional strategy of launching on consoles first, as stated by Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick, but a PC release might be just a few months after.

Take-Two Interactive, the publisher of the Grand Theft Auto franchise, confirmed the launch for the title will be sometime in the Fall of 2025. The highly anticipated title will be heading to consoles first, but when is the PC release?

Rockstar Games has traditionally released its new titles on console first before eventually releasing a PC version approximately a year later. Rockstar is yet to announce anything regarding a PC version of GTA 6, but the platform was briefly mentioned by Take-Two Interactive CEO Strauss Zelnick who said during a recent earnings call that PC gaming is becoming a "much more important part of what used to be a console business," which has led to speculation of a simultaneous platform release.

Unfortunately, that won't happen, as it was confirmed by Zelnick that Rockstar is sticking to its traditional strategy of console first and then PC. But how long will it be before we see GTA 6 on PC? According to Corsair Gaming's financial VP, Ronald van Veen, who said during the company's latest financial results, GTA 6 will be released on PC sometime in early 2026.

"Yeah, GTA 6 is probably the one everyone is talking about. And we'll get a glimpse of that, I think, later on in the year for console. My understanding now it's going to come out in the fall for console, and then early 2026 for PC," said Corsair Gaming's VP, Ronald van Veen

It should be noted that Corsair likely doesn't have an official PC release date for GTA 6 on PC, and the only official news on the date is that Rockstar will release GTA 6 on consoles first and then PC - at an unknown date. As for the console release date, it was just narrowed down with the recent confirmation of the Borderlands 4 release date.


Its in late November 2025 thanks to this info GTA 6 release date pigeonholed thanks to Borderlands 4

GTA VI's rumored $100 price tag sparks debate among gamers and analysts​

Would you pay $100 for it?

Not for the first time, an analyst within the video games industry has predicted that Grand Theft Auto VI will launch with a previously unheard of price point: $100. Not only would it make the most anticipated games in years exorbitantly expensive, it could set a precedent in which other companies start charging more than $70 for AAA big releases.

The latest prediction that Take-Two will charge $100 for GTA VI comes from Michael Pachter, managing director of equity research at Wedbush Securities.

Pachter wrote in a research note, "We think the company has plans to sell the game at a previously unheard of price point, and suspect that management can offer consumers an incentive to pay $100 or more per unit by rewarding them with a large amount of in-game currency to be spent in GTA Online."

Pachter wrote about the benefits of integrating an online experience with a premium game, highlighting how Activision did this with both Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty: Mobile content prior to the release of its annual Call of Duty main entry, which led to a 40% increase in sales of CoD. As such, he believes integrating GTA Online and GTA VI and offering in-game currency for the former can justify the $100 price point.

It's hard to imagine gamers feeling a $100 price is fair. Many people have never played GTA Online even though they love GTA V, and it's likely they will feel the same way about the sequel. It would be more acceptable if Take-Two offered a special $100 edition of GTA VI that included bonuses such as in-game currency for the multiplayer element.

However, Pachter isn't the only analyst to predict that GTA VI will cost more than the standard $70. Matthew Ball of Epyllion wrote in January that the game could be priced up to $100, something he hoped would happen as it would lead to other companies increasing the prices of their big games.

It's been five years since the first major game to carry a $70 price tag, NBA 2K21, arrived, signalling the beginning of the end for the standard $60 AAA price that had been around since the launch of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 era in the mid-2000s.

With the console launch set for this fall, Take-Two still hasn't confirmed when the PC version of GTA VI will get here, though Corsair believes it will land in early 2026.


GTA 6 massive gameplay leak confirms we'll be playing this game for a very long time​

Goodbye free time

As you can imagine, fans are itching for news and with Rockstar withholding information, they’ve taken to studying the leaks of yesteryear.

And those leaks have confirmed our suspicion that we’ll be playing this game for a very, very long time.

A list of the events mentioned in the major 2022 leak was shared to Reddit by user luciohansel.

Of course, I have to urge you to take this information with a pinch of salt, but the list stated that the game would include the following: “Abandoned hovercraft, backyard wrestling ring, bait & tackle shop, basketball court, big cat mansion, Bonnie & Clyde mystery, cars strip mall, dairy farm, drug house drug deal, drug lab, DUI test, easy score, fishing, island camp, kidnapping victim, lean sizzurp lab, music video, museum, salon patron, satanist house, Scarface crime scene, self injury, sniper nest, sniper victim apartment, swamp safari crazy golf, UFO animal house, voice in a storm drain, warehouse sex robots, warehouse torture, workout challenge, [and] yard sale”.

Phew. That’s a long list.

And it all sounds very GTA VI, light-hearted frivolity mixed with abhorrent crime.

I have a feeling a ton of players will surpass the 100-plus hours played mark.

“Imagine drunk driving and then getting pulled over to get a DUI test,” WeeklySavings remarked.

“I can't wait for this game,” added cristianperlado.
