Graphic Cards Graphics look like Crap

Dude your the only 1 whose facing this problem try some other game stop flaming companies because the game you like isn't working if you so hate the card sell it for about 7k there will be many takers add some cash and go for a Nvidia card.

Why do't you get your card RMA'd....Which PSU do you have what are the temps of you card have you looked into these matters ?
simulation3 said:
The only thing i hate about ATI is their driver support.
No matter how superb hadware they come up with they get craped when it comes to make a driver for it and that too in time..:no: :no:

Yes u r right .
H2O said:
Dude your the only 1 whose facing this problem try some other game stop flaming companies because the game you like isn't working if you so hate the card sell it for about 7k there will be many takers add some cash and go for a Nvidia card.

Why do't you get your card RMA'd....Which PSU do you have what are the temps of you card have you looked into these matters ?

7k only for 4850 sonic :no: :no:

I have corsair vx450 PSU
rahulyo said:
No display , During game it stop working .

more ATI cards ARE GOING kaput these days u can see other thread where 4870 had gone kaput and doesnt show display..
seems ATI is now heading towards Nvidia's faulty hadware zone.:no: :no:
^ big lol why can u check driver and run ccleaner and scan registry too

also update p45 chipest driver or nvidia motherboard chpiest driver for run stable impover bug and new bios fix and run memory fix for check error

and try the ram different slot ;) u need u check the system files if corrupt also may sure if u are run cpu at oc real 3 ghz speed as show cpu-z

i never face any issue at my card i have use 8.12 and vista 32 bit and intel oc 3.20 ghz and update latest driver and framework 3.0 and higher new veirosn also did update auto update for improve bug cause of bsod due to memory option
ATI sucks man, 4870 IQ is nothing as compared to their Nvidia counterparts, always buy a Nvidia Card. My 4870x2 died yesterday, LOL!
Forrest said:
ATI sucks man, 4870 IQ is nothing as compared to their Nvidia counterparts, always buy a Nvidia Card. My 4870x2 died yesterday, LOL!

stop generalizing due to one off occurrences

ATi 4 series has been truly great

I am able to run GTA in all its glory @ 1680 without any lag or anything
Offcourse I am using 4850 with rest of rig on my sig
its on vista x64
I can run all other games on full visual settings at this res.(dont say saints row2 :bleh: i havent tried)

GTA is not without issues but there are soo many other issues which can cause such pathetic fps and blaming gfx for it is not correct

There are GTA tweaks available all over the net and users should do some amount of research to get it working properly
rahulyo said:
I face problem of
jagling not low fps

if u have done some research, you will find GTA does not have AA, u also cant force AA thro the gfx driver control panel ( be in nvidia/ati)

stop blaming 4850 for it. and diff company 4850 wont give magical difference is performance, ur card is already oc'ed version
which shows your ignorance

on BSODs, it can be due to various reasons, like OS, corrupt drivers etc

stop flaming gfx companies because you are not able to run it properly or done some research on it

and on Hitman, it should run @ highest possible setting with all bells and whistles

post some screens of it and then i will say
pcgamer said:
if u have done some research, you will find GTA does not have AA, u also cant force AA thro the gfx driver control panel ( be in nvidia/ati)

stop blaming 4850 for it. and diff company 4850 wont give magical difference is performance, ur card is already oc'ed version
which shows your ignorance

on BSODs, it can be due to various reasons, like OS, corrupt drivers etc

stop flaming gfx companies because you are not able to run it properly or done some research on it

and on Hitman, it should run @ highest possible setting with all bells and whistles

post some screens of it and then i will say


1.jpg - imgX

This is at full AA (8x)and AF(16x).

Now pcgamer what r u say ???
Forrest said:
ATI sucks man, 4870 IQ is nothing as compared to their Nvidia counterparts, always buy a Nvidia Card. My 4870x2 died yesterday, LOL!

My friend's nVidia GTX 280 died yesterday. Its IQ is thus nothing compared to 4870. Stay away from nVidia :p
Hey Rahulyo, the cat 8.12 and 8.12 hotfix did not have any optimizations/fixes added for GTA IV as per the changelog while the latest nvidia drivers did have them. Cat 9.1 should be out any time now; so I'd suggest you hang on for a couple of days to try them out and see if it makes any difference.
vicente said:
Hey Rahulyo, the cat 8.12 and 8.12 hotfix did not have any optimizations/fixes added for GTA IV as per the changelog while the latest nvidia drivers did have them. Cat 9.1 should be out any time now; so I'd suggest you hang on for a couple of days to try them out and see if it makes any difference.

I face problem not only with GTA 4 but other games also .