Params7 said:
Guys, I'm going to be playing GTA4 so I'll be skipping out on the promised preview - believe me its all better if you guys find this out for yourself.
INSTEAD, all of us who have GTA4 post about the most interesting stuff we find cruising around in this thread
1. I just found out you can dial 911 on your cell phone, then even call the paramedics from there.
2. Status of Liberty is now called Status Of Happiness.
3. There's an insane amount of TV footage in this game. Just find a TV whereever you are staying and turn it on, there are channels and programs. I just got done watching 30 mins of extremely hilarious talk shows and a parody of 24 (the series).
4. This game is also a "dating simulator" now, the girlfriend system has been worked upon and much better than GTA SA.
5. On CNT (TV channel in the game), there's an ad that parodies Master Chief.
6. Make quick money :
ATM Exploit :
Go to an ATM, then cause a traffic jam to the area. Wait for someone to take money from the ATM, then kill him or her. Make sure to block any nearby roads so the ambulance cannot get to the murdered victim. Take the money they dropped on the ground. Then, run a short distance away, and go back. The money should have respawned on the ground. You can repeat this as many times as desired
What I plan to do now is hijack a chopper and pay statue of happiness a visit since going there on car will get you a 5 star police rating! Anybody know from where I can get chopper???
Maconie, and all others that have GTA4 lets make this list longer!
Also, the sixaxis has been used extremely well in this game, infact this is the first time I think I will actually use sixaxis for the entirety of the game.
Yeah nice list, i found out a couple of them myself, dailing 911, was funny,
heres the best laugh, call roman your cousin and ask him to go drinking with you, and then when you come out of the bar, your in for such a laugh, i was dying with laughter when i did this, you seriously are drunk, then try driving a car! police come after you for drink driving! and its really hard to see and the screen starts to wobble about, you stop wobbling when you get shot or die.
this game has so much potential its unbelieveable.
lol you can also give money to bums, thats funny aswell, because niko chucks the money and then about 10 bums fight over it!
the physics are amazing aswell, has any of you whos got it, flew through the windscreen yet??
well lets just say i was amazed!
lol when your on the motorway to the top left of the map on the first island, find the entry to the motorway (i think its there) get an infernus or a fast car and drive all the way down to a harsh bend and turn around, then speed at the wall infront, you will fly about 200 feet and the hit some trees, and the way the body moves in the air, it was awesome. and the best part was, i didnt die so i got up and did it again.
there are a couple of things i dislike, the new control system being one of the and the fact you cant swim underwater being another, but im not going to spoil the facts and opinions for you guys you arent lucky enough to have got this game, but i suggest you guys do everything you can to get it, its worth the money and it was worth the hype.
@params, i dont know where you can get a chopper from, i have had a look through the airport a couple of time but gotr shot for being on there, cant find one, put i have been on the sixaxis tutorial, get onto the helicopter bit and just drive off to where you want to go, but after about 2 minutes it takes it off you, i dont think you'll have enough time to go to the statue of happiness

Lord Nemesis said:
Any differerence in graphics between the XBOX 360 and PS3 versions? I would probably get the PS3 version myself.
Over many forums have have read that the only difference between the 360 version and the PS3 version is the graphics, the graphics are a lot sharper on the PS3 version but there is more colour to the game on the 360 version but both are just as good, so its upto you guys innit??
To these foggy eyes, the PS3 version looks richer, fuller, darker. But then, the Xbox 360 version looks crisper, brighter, sharper.
i would personally buy the PS3 version or get a PS3 just for the game alone. im not going to sit here starting a war but many Xbox fanboys have been saying recently that the Xbox version is better because its got this downloadable content that the PS3 hasnt, Who cares? I dont, i wouldnt buy an Xbox, i [IMO] dont like them.
Now that was a figure of speech, it was an opinion and nobody should take offence, dont start arguing with me about it as this thread wasnt intended for arguments, it was my own opinion.
Heres a comparitive video:
PS3-X360 GTAIV Comparison
Now im going playing

ill be back soon with more info.