GTA IV PC Patch 6

dinjo said:
Anyone tried the ahem version which was floating around but yeah 490 for this game is full worth of money.

I'm getting the legit version and ALL MUST GET IT TOO
WTF ? aheeemmm Version's already out ? ? ? :ashamed:
Make sure you not apply the patch from unofficial sources. I downloaded it from fileplanet. binary looks legit as was digitally signed with MS so I installed them. But once installed (it uninstalled social club as part of installation), it gave me ordinal difference error in some mslive dll.

I created a restore point before installing it, reverted back to that but had to install social club again from the disk.
PhOeNiX said:
Is EFLC also for 490 ???

yup, Praashant was giving pre-order for 460.

Also shows the price as 399, but charges Rs. 50 for shipping.
EDIT: satyanjoy replied while I was typing it out :)
I was Gonna buy that GAME, but dropped it coz of those Fags @ Games for Windows Live, am not able to connect online & play the game with a Multi & online Capabilities
pretttt said:
yup, Praashant was giving pre-order for 460.

Also shows the price as 399, but charges Rs. 50 for shipping.

EDIT: satyanjoy replied while I was typing it out :)

W00t. Now this is worth buying. No use wasting my time on 6-8gb :p

I owned the original GTA IV too, so this is a good add-on :) Thanks for pointing it out.

EDIT : Nextworld service is good ?
^ Did they said when they will deliver ?

Alfa is getting the game on Sunday confirmed. others would be getting it on Monday
Do I still need to activate it online or is there an official patch that removed that? My Gaming PC doesn't have a net connection at the moment. It's the only thing that's stopping me from buying this. I don't want to install some *ahem* patch to play the game.
H2O said:
Did anyone try GTA 4 after the patch is it worth playing now ?

I found GTA IV always worth it :p It ran flawlessly (aside from the occasional missing textures). High FPS, good graphics good story. But i guess they have made some major changes in the patch. Wanted to install and try yesterday, but my DVD RW has gone kaput. Will be getting the new one 2moro, so will try and post the results.
PhOeNiX said:
I found GTA IV always worth it :p It ran flawlessly (aside from the occasional missing textures). High FPS, good graphics good story. But i guess they have made some major changes in the patch. Wanted to install and try yesterday, but my DVD RW has gone kaput. Will be getting the new one 2moro, so will try and post the results.

You have a high end rig whereas mine is very mediocre.

AMD Athlon 2 240, 2GB DDR2 800mhz and HD4650 1GB DDR3
nanoneo said:
Do I still need to activate it online or is there an official patch that removed that? My Gaming PC doesn't have a net connection at the moment. It's the only thing that's stopping me from buying this. I don't want to install some *ahem* patch to play the game.

securom online activation. you can do it manually too though... go to their site, enter your cd key and an activation code and in turn another activation code will be generated and given to you which you can enter to activate the game. all this means that you don't necessarily have to activate from the pc you are playing on, but it does have to be activated online once.
gauravraw said:
Lol, you uninstalled the game and never played it until now just because of that? Well, then surely you don't understand what GTA is all about, so leave this one out as well and play Crysis again :D

Yeah its partly that and a couple of other reasons.I'm not really one runs after higher graphic settings its just that you get pissed of when you know your setup is capable of delivering but can't because the game was poorly coded or it was done intentionally like in say Batman AA.
GTA San Andreas is one of my favourite games and I had very high expectations from this one but it didn't live up to that unfortunately.
Arun1 said:
GTA San Andreas is one of my favourite games and I had very high expectations from this one but it didn't live up to that unfortunately.

just curious, how do you know GTA4 didnt live upto your expectations when you did not play it? Or did you start playing it and un-installed it midway?

Anyways, you can remove those restrictions on graphics settings. Google it. You need create some text and enter some switch "norestrictions" or something. I never tried it myself, but had read about it when GTA4 had released.
Obviously I played it and I gave it reasonable time before I let go of it.

The biggest let down was the joystick support.I wasn't proper even with the xbox 360 controller.The joystick support on San Andreas was awesome and that too with an Asus xite pad.Performing car/bike stunts and racing was really fun.There was also the auto aim feature which made a lot of sense because GTA isn't just about shooting up people.

There were some issues with Vista during release,I even created a new partition and installed xp on it just to be able to play this game :-/

I think I'll try it out again on my windows 7 with all the updates and see if anything has changed.