GTA IV Will Be Out Dec. 3 for INR 499

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^ True, but 499 is a bit too cheap :P

I mean even those crap half 3D games with graphics from the 90s and a storyline to compete with Love Story 2050 retail for 699 :P
Params7 said:
lol, WTF?
I don't think anything would have happened if the game released with 2 headed cows O_o
And awesome price. This is THE way to kill piracy.

not only the cows are two-headed but they are named as 'Brahmins'.:bleh:

and i highly doubt anybody would have objected to it too.
Anish said:
^ True, but 499 is a bit too cheap :P

I mean even those crap half 3D games with graphics from the 90s and a storyline to compete with Love Story 2050 retail for 699 :P

actually nope.

we have The Orange Box which sells here for around 750-800 bucks.. Then we have The new NFS(not necessarily AAA).. but still.. they had the promo where you could get 3 games for 600bucks.

Plus quiet a lot of VERY GOOD old games are avail for 299/699. STALKER is avail for 299..
thegamerulez said:
stalker is 299? :O

OMG where did you see that? :O :O it says he is 22 in his profile :S



IF it is priced @499 then its a freaking awesome move by e-express, no amount of low pricing is going to kill piracy, but this would at least bring it down substansially.
amitmishra12 said:
u can get 10. 1 dvd games for rs. 500 :P.... u knw wot i mean na?

Yep, we do know what you mean.
heh and most of them won't work anyway..
Ultimately what these'd give you are headaches and you'd be left wondering why you wasted so much money on coasters! :rofl:
Piracy is like impotency.. :P
thegamerulez said:
stalker is 299? :O

yep.. 299/- bucks. mrp. you'll prolly get it cheaper at a place like alfa :ohyeah:

soggy316 said:
OMG where did you see that? :O :O it says he is 22 in his profile :S



IF it is priced @499 then its a freaking awesome move by e-express, no amount of low pricing is going to kill piracy, but this would at least bring it down substansially.

lol... :rofl:
I will buy it on launch day, if its priced @500
Its equal to 10$. Nice way to reduce piracy in Asian continent, if all games can be priced like this
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