GTA:SA Discussion Thread

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I don't know about you guys but I am finding the flight school misssion very tough. I have been stuck at the 'Destroying the targets mission' for ages. I must have tried clearing the mission about a million times ( ....ok i am exaggerating) but still can't get thru it. I miss the target time by a margin of 10 seconds or so. Any hints or trainers to get this mission completed.Please.... :S
Zero's missions are the worst among the lot..... I am not at that damn helicopter mission...... Where you have to use the magnet to remove obstacles and stuff..... totlly crazy.....

R* should just do away with these radio controlled mission.... doesn't serve any prupose
what the...with the RC helicopter you dont even have to be just fly near by stuff and the magnet snaps into place! even when you drop planks over rivers at an odd automatically straghtens out.

As for the destroy all targets mission...just do a slow flyover of the place wit the targets and just continuously fire rockets

Grease Monk posted 0.67 minutes later:

i guess flying choppers in desert combat eased things a bit for me though :D
Lol, I need help here ! Please dont laugh but can anyone tell me how to complete the Cesar Vialpando mission ? The one where you make the low-rider hop ? I always miss the beat and havent ever scored a single point ! Help me out please !
lol...i still cant do tht lowrider thingy :P am stuck with OG Log, and using forklift stealing missions... no police in sight..still ryder died...
did the lowrider thingy...from bad to good :D
Lol, Ryder wasnt killed by the cops, he was killed by the army dudes !

Yeah, finally did the lowrider thingy, scored 2690 :P !
lowrider thing was easy, the most difficult is 'Life's a beach' one of og's missions where you have to dance and steal stereo set.
yeah.... true....

The trucking missions are TOUGH. Especially the 8th. With a 4 star rating..... DAMN. Still to crack that.

And am stuck in the mission to kill Big Smoke. IT gets damn irritating to fight through all the fire and all that....

Oh, BTW, I am getting original GTA SA tomorrow. :yahoo: :yahoo:
damn!!...i'm stuck at las venturas....rosie's nissions are really tough...i've been stuck at that missappropriation mission given by tenpenny for 3 days now .. Lol...maybe i need to take some help now ;)
Hey.... misappropriation is easy... it is the one where you need to follow that fed and get the dossier right??

Don't do anything. Follow that fellow in the chopper, then in the car. It will lead to an underground garage full of feds. Just show yourself and then stand back around the corner. They will come to find you and pick them off one by one.

It is not all that easy. Don't even bother trying to destroy either the chooper or the car.
err...yeah sounds easy.....but everytime either i get shot by those guyz...or if i manage to get past them i somehow in my jubiliation, fly over the restricted area and get myself a 5 star wanted level due to which i get shot down immediately by something....
maybe it is easy ... i am just not paying attention...i'll give it one more try
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