GTA V PC - Looking for Crews/Members/Players from India.

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I might pick it up but only after release, after checking some videos about performance. Will add you then.
I think you should not worry about the performance as was the case with GTA IV. This time R* have done a marvellous job.
There has been some PC previews, but nobody anywhere has mentioned how it runs on medium range PCs. I would like to believe this will be as good a port as Max Payne 3 was, but then Max Payne 3 was not a port, PC was the lead platform. GTA IV was also released for half the price of new game back then, which is certainly not the case here. Better safe than sorry.
GTA IV was one of the crappiest ports I have ever played. Even my high end rig never gave me more than 65 fps on that. But GTA V is being handled by the same guys who made Max Payne 3. But I agree your view Better safe than sorry on medium PC. I have always bought BF series on pre orders and always I was in sorry state.
Heh I started it on a 8800 GT and it was horrible. Played Liberty City stories and finished main campaign on a HD 5850 and it was still bumpy frame rates in a lot of places. Max Payne 3 was smooth as butter though. This will be more demanding, as the scope is much larger and there are a lot of NPCs, vegetation, cars, planes etc. Let's see how this turns out.
Hey anyone started playing this in India yet? Really interested to see how is the performance, online play etc. I searched a lot of reports on the net. Performance actually seems quite decent even on cards like r9 270x.

I also want to know if anyone bought the retail version in India. Like how many discs does it come with? How much download is required? Buying online means a freaking 60GB download and my data cap for full month is 80GB lol. So that is out of the question.
I am playing it for two days. Indian retail is very expensive, I got it from GMG China through a VPN with a voucher, $23. They have closed that loophole, the cheapest now is $30, payment through Paypal. Download is 60 GB and then around 350 MB of patches. The retail version should have around 6-7 discs.

I have a GTX 760 with i5 750 and 6 GB RAM, I have everything on high, msaa off, vsync off and textures high. I am getting around 40-50 fps with occasional drops to 30. Haven't tried online though.
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I have been playing it since the second it released thats around 4:30 AM in India and its amazing experience. I had pre ordered it back in Jan on steam for 40 bucks and preloaded it three days before release. It was around 60 GB + 270 MB on release. I haven't yet tried online though.
I have AMD HD 7970 3GB, i5 3570K stock, 16 GB RAM and loaded it onto my 840 EVO SSD.
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Wow, I also have i5 750, but graphics card is r9 270x and only 4gb ram. Maybe I'll have to lower some settings, but I dont mind that.

Now, buying online is just literally impossible for me due to the data caps. I mean, I will have to split it over two months, but cant even do that since I changing houses by end of this month. So, have no choice but to go for retail. I am seeing it on sale only on GamesTheShop for 2.5K. And I searched a little bit, it seems retail will have 7DVDs and no steam.
Wow, I also have i5 750, but graphics card is r9 270x and only 4gb ram. Maybe I'll have to lower some settings, but I dont mind that.

Now, buying online is just literally impossible for me due to the data caps. I mean, I will have to split it over two months, but cant even do that since I changing houses by end of this month. So, have no choice but to go for retail. I am seeing it on sale only on GamesTheShop for 2.5K. And I searched a little bit, it seems retail will have 7DVDs and no steam.
Sometimes you just want to have it on steam!!
No other retailer is selling Steam key for GTA V this time. I was on the fence when I saw the RSC version selling for $30 in nuuvem as I prefer Steam, but my preferences went out of the window when I saw the Chinese price with voucher. Thankfully RSC download speed was fine and I was able to start playing soon after release. Managed to snag the preorder bonus money too.

Now, buying online is just literally impossible for me due to the data caps. I mean, I will have to split it over two months, but cant even do that since I changing houses by end of this month. So, have no choice but to go for retail. I am seeing it on sale only on GamesTheShop for 2.5K. And I searched a little bit, it seems retail will have 7DVDs and no steam.

Are you in Bangalore? You could give me a external hdd and I could copy my install folder, which should work in your system after you have activated your key. Might save you $10 if you manage to get it for $30, and some downloads.
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Are you in Bangalore? You could give me a external hdd and I could copy my install folder, which should work in your system after you have activated your key. Might save you $10 if you manage to get it for $30, and some downloads.

Dude.. thanks so much for the offer. Yea I am in Bangalore. I will definitely see for this then. So, your copy is steam or non-steam? Asking to see which one I should look for. If I can bring down the download to 15-20Gb by this method, I can manage it somehow.
My copy is non steam, bought from Greenmangaming. The gmg india vip section should have it for $31, nuuvem also has it for $30.
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