GTalk "Show Current Music Track" Trouble: No PLUGIN to enable in WMP 11

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ioncsachin said:
Try once again eggman, download Gtalk again
try this link for version wen i downloaded from google the version was
Download Google Talk - Enables you to call or send instant messages to your friends for freeanytime, anywhere in the world - Softpedia
Strictly follow these steps:-
1. Close WMP11
2. Uninstall Google Talk
3. On google talk setup file ->Right Click -> Run as Administrator
4. Now before starting WMP, start Google talk first, or plugin might not install.
5. Open WMP11 -> View -> Plug-ins -> Options in the left of the screen (Category) choose Background check if the "Google Talk Music Plugin" is Enabled, if not enable it.
I appreciate you help very much!! I just tried your steps. But The PLUG IN did not come in WMP and also this happened:
Gtalk Music status doesnt work with Foobar? atleast it doesnt work for me :S

Any help on tweakin Gtalk so that it accepts Foobar as well;)

Bumping this one up,didnt want to create a new thread:P

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