Guide [GUIDE] Rooting and Unlocking your Samsung Galaxy Nexus(Nexus Prime)

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Hi guys,
I got my brand new Galaxy Nexus on 27th May'12 and rooted/unlocked it within 2-3 hrs of usage
This is just a small guide from me regarding rooting your Samsung Galaxy Nexus(GNex) and unlocking its bootloader
Lets start off with some basic fundamentals on rooting and the bootloader

What is rooting ?
Most of us here don't really know what "ROOTING" really means its become a tradition for most android users,get a new phone and root it but what the hell does is really mean ?
Its not like your gonna dig a hole in the ground and plant small trees for a "Go Green" initiative :p

Jokes apart,Rooting gives for "ADMIN" rights on your phone,Since android is a linux based OS,rooting will give you more access over your android OS and apps that take advantage of the root permissions.
So basically it gives you "SUPERUSER" rights on your phone and your can makes changes to your phone which include but is not limited to uninstalling pre-installed apps that come along with your phone,most of those are useless so untill you root your phone it won't be possible to remove them plus it gives you permissions on installing custom roms and recoveries which won't be possible on stock.

What is a bootloader and why unlock it?
Bootloader in simple terms means a code that is executed before any Operating System starts to run and in an android phone every manufacturer has its own version of bootloader depending on its motherboard,so its basically like a BIOS for your PC
The bootloader is locked by the manufacturers because they want you to stick to their Android OS version specifically designed for the device with those special "UI's"
So before you decide on flashing a custom rom its better to get your bootloader unlocked

Rooting and Unlocking process :
1. Download the GNex TOOLKIT V7.0 and install it from here -
NOTE : Make sure you have the Galaxy Nexus USB drivers installed first,Connect your nexus to PC/Laptop and Goto device manager and check under Android Phone
It should show something such as Samsung Galaxy Nexus ADB Interface,if not install them first from the above mentioned toolkit

Once installed,this is how the interface for the toolkit looks like(I have an older version 6.2) :


2. Choose the proper version of ICS on your phone,I had Android 4.0.2 by default which i then upgraded to 4.0.4(Built no. IMM76I for the GSM version)
3. Option 7 is the "1 click for all" install which is the same for every built listed in the tool,so select that while keeping the Gnex connected to your PC via USB
4. Go to the restroom and have a nice relaxing act of pouring your yellow fluid down the hole(PEE) :p
5. When you get back you will have a rooted phone + a Unlocked Bootloader + Clockwork Mod recovery(custom recovery) installed on your GNex
6. Now you are good to go to flash a kernel of your choice or install a custom rom

P.S - During the steps if you are wondering,what is "FASTBOOT" then this is how it looks on your GNex -

ROFL !! you don't believe it do you ??Its just simple as that...VOILA
Honsetly,I didn't want to ruin the original stock OS look from google so i still haven't installed any custom roms on my phone
But i have tested a couple of kernels on my GNex which are given below

The kernel installation is just optional so please ignore it if don't wish to flash it
1. GLaDOS kernel -
You can get the control app for the kernel from here :

2. Franco Kernel -
You can get the control app for the kernel from here :

Kernel Installation Steps :
1. Once you have downloaded the kernel,copy the .zip file onto your phone's memory
2. Power off ur GNex
3. Press Power + Both the volume buttons simultaneously and hold them down
4. Now you are in the "Fastboot" where you can see "START" written in big letters and a stupid android bot....At the bottom of the screen it will tell you that the bootloader is unlocked
5. Press the Volume down key key to select "Recovery Mode" and then press the power button to enter the clockwork mod custom recovery,Most Amazing part of the custom recovery is that its fully touch compatible,just awesome
6. Select "Install zip from sd card" and choosing your specific kernel zip and it will start flashing it and then just reboot
7. Install the specific control apps for better customization of your phone

And your finally good to go with your newely rooted and unlocked Galaxy Nexus
Hope someone finds this guide useful and please don't pay attention to spelling errors :bleh:

Can i use the toolkit to root and unlock my SGS i9003?

No,this is only for Samsung Galaxy Nexus as the title suggests

what were the damages and from where u bought it??? Did u get some seller warranty

Got from a local dealer @ 23K and no i didn't get any seller/dealers warranty because its as good as no warranty
A dealers warranty is just limited to the software and not the hardware

I find this guide useless as I don't own this handset. Looks well written though. :bleh:

ROFL !! My bad...corrected it :)
@YashBhatt - Great written guide bro.

I would like to try out different ROMs with the stock android launcher, are there anything like that? or where can i find the stock ROM file.
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I have Docomo Gnex, i tried to unlock with F**k docomo apk and Gnex toolkit but only BSNL sim is working with it. Any idea to unlock for all carriers.
@YashBhatt - Great written guide bro.

I would like to try out different ROMs with the stock android launcher, are there anything like that? or where can i find the stock ROM file.

Thanks buddy :)
Well,there are lots of custom ROM's for GNex but the most popular i find is the LiquidSmooth or AOKP
You can get the factory images from Google itself
Here -

I have Docomo Gnex, i tried to unlock with F**k docomo apk and Gnex toolkit but only BSNL sim is working with it. Any idea to unlock for all carriers.

What version of ICS are you running ??
The Docomo apk won't work on 4.0.4,if you are running 4.0.4 then flash the factory image for 4.0.2 from google and then try it out
And if you perform a "permanent unlock" then you might lose your IMEI number so be careful with that....
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You missed the point, i meant such an awesome hardware spec with no little thing like FM, similarly with my htc sensation no video call via call sad

I tried to unlock galaxy nexus but still i am able to succeed. Please can you help me on this.

I have Docmo Galaxy nexus with ICS 4.0.2, i tried to unlock bootloader with Gnex Unlock tool and it shows unlock in fast boot mode. Also installed F*** Docomo V3.1 apk but after reboot its not working. I tried different SIM but I am not able to get Gnex working. After reboot it shows operator name but it dont get mobile signal. If i manually search for mobile operator it shows SIM operator but after selecting operator it shows error
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I tried to unlock galaxy nexus but still i am able to succeed. Please can you help me on this.

I have Docmo Galaxy nexus with ICS 4.0.2, i tried to unlock bootloader with Gnex Unlock tool and it shows unlock in fast boot mode. Also installed F*** Docomo V3.1 apk but after reboot its not working. I tried different SIM but I am not able to get Gnex working. After reboot it shows operator name but it dont get mobile signal. If i manually search for mobile operator it shows SIM operator but after selecting operator it shows errorr

Did you root your GNex through the toolkit as well ?? If yes then try this :
1. If on stock 4.0.2,get on Android revolution HD 4.1.0 ([ROM] Android Revolution HD 4.1.0 | High Quality & Performance | GSM | Legendary - xda-developers)
2. Then try the Unlock the SIM from here : 【DoubleX】GalaxyNexus PermUnlock Simlock apk-support4.04 - xda-developers
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I will install this custom ROM and let you know on this. I also tried F*** Docomo v 3.1 but it doesnt work after reboot.
However i will test it again after custom ROM
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I will install this custom ROM and let you know on this. I also tried F*** Docomo v 3.1 but it doesnt work after reboot.
However i will test it again after custom ROM

Alright bro,you do that and if you are located in mumbai the i can check out your phone personally :)
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Sorry about bumping an old thread.
I recently bought the Galaxy Nexus and its running the stock ICS 4.0.4. Kernel is the IMM761 one.

I have literally no experience in rooting and have some burning questions -
1) I need to create backup I understand after much reading as rooting erases all data right?
2) on xda there are so many ways to root I got confused. Which one to go for?
3) Rooting is the subsequent step of Unlocking the bootloader?
4) What will flashing the kernel achieve and when should I do that and how is it different from rooting?
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