Guitar Discussion Thread

Re: For guitarists of all levels...

Damn, this thread is dead, but for now I will resurrect it with another interest check for a pedal I'm selling - Ibanez TS7 Tubescreamer. Great reproduction of tones from blues to rock... and it literally makes your guitar scream, even at low volumes. Very smooth overdrive/distortion whether in classic TS808 mode or when you switch to HOT mode. If anyone's interested, I'll find a way to get it across to you for 2k ;)
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

this place is nice.. im new here and a guitarists section is cool.. im a guitarist from delhi.. nice to meet you guys..

my RIG:

ibanez rg550 20th anniversary special prestige

Ibanez 2570e prestige

Boss gt8

Re: For guitarists of all levels...

Welcome, Arihant. What kind of music do you like to play? Do you play in a band? Originals? Covers?
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

a few years ago i got kicked out of two bands, that too within the space of a week :clap: :P
Any suggestions from the gurus to re-learn guitar? (I havent played regularly for a couple of years now, and i wasn't that good to begin with :P )
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

@stalker: Yes, actually. It was a bunch of working people who hardly got time to play our instruments, so we kind of sucked. We had a lot of fun, though and even had a couple of perfromances. There's a band that is quite popular that appropriated that name (I'm not saying which, partly due to the fact we got panned by reviewers) after we disintegrated due to the call of our respective careers.

@soggy: start. It's a good thing and it's like riding a bike. You never really forget how. I had stopped playing for three years, the biggest mistake of my life. Slowly getting back to it.
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

assuming i know nothing abt music... (other than to listen to good music :) )

and wanna learn to play the guitar... and dont have too much of money to spend on the same.. how would you guys recommend i start?
Re: For guitarists of all levels... a geetar :D (get info on which to buy on forums)

2.use google/ultimate-guitar/etc
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

Actually, I would differ. Get a real teacher. Ask a few decent guitarists to teach you. Pick somebody who's been playing for some time. You can read tabs off the websites, but there's no place to learn the really important stuff. Posture, finger control, breathing, stiffness, are more important than the chords, scales and song.

I learnt totally by myself. I don't like the way that turned out. I am re-learning, one step at a time. Search for Goldhat guitar lessons on YouTube. The guy is good, but more than the music you can learn from his posture and fingering more than you'll learn from a month on Ultimate Guitar. But there's still no substitute for a good teacher.

About that other site referenced, I was there for one month. I couldn't take the posturing and newbie-bashing that was indulged in (not that I was a newbie but whatever). There was no moderation to speak of and the few knowledgable users were lost in the din and the clamour.

About your first guitar, ask a friend who plays to go along and pick out a guitar. Each guitar is slightly different, even in this age of machine-made instruments, and you can outgrow your first guitar pretty quickly if you don't choose well. I don't advise spending a lot of money on one, maybe about 3-3.5K will get you an instrument that will serve as your primary instrument for a couple of years at least. When you play well enough for a better instrument, then you can use it as a beater.
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

im not in a band right now as i dont time for it but i record at home... btw im just 18 and teach in a music school as well ;)..
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

Great. Post some of your stuff so we can listen to it, if you're comfortable.

See you around. It's good to have a teacher here, so somebody can correct all the misinformation I've been spreading ;)
Re: For guitarists of all levels...


you can start off with an acoustic..

while movin' to an electric from an acoustic, you'll feel the ease of finger movement on an electric guitar.. :ohyeah:

i got the acoustic first.. and, gettin' an electric guitar for a starter is o k but...startin off the hardway will make it easier for your play while you shift to electric..

Re: For guitarists of all levels...

arihant3123 said:
this place is nice.. im new here and a guitarists section is cool.. im a guitarist from delhi.. nice to meet you guys..

my RIG:

ibanez rg550 20th anniversary special prestige

I'd love to see a pic of that RG550 20th anny, feel free to post it here :) And what do you play/teach?

sTALKEr said:
sangram/rio/the other guys.. do you chaps play/have played on a band?

I started out when I was 14 playing for my school band and that continued until around 2000... my career steered me away from guitar/music ever since but I'm back in it now and started recording with 2 of my old bands.

kkndka said:
rio.. the ds1 is priced quite decently here. stocks most of all the good stuff that guitarists might need.

Yup it is, but this is modded and sounds nothing like the stock pedal! This DS-1 in front of a good clean channel will rival all multi-effects pedalboards out there ;)
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

The last two I was actively part of were Blasphemy and Bonesaw... following my exit I played a few charity gigs with some high school buddies, but only once in a blue moon.
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

arihant3123 said:
im not in a band right now as i dont time for it but i record at home... btw im just 18 and teach in a music school as well ;)..

Don't lose out on the best years of your life, find some musicians and start a band... no amount of practice at home can substitute the experience you will get playing live (and part of a band).
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

It is similar to Keeley's Ultra mod but without a toggle-switch... didn't need to switch between classic overdrive and high-gain tube distortion, just needed high gain. I added the mods with parts ordered from Monte Allums so I could customize it according to my taste - Europe, Satriani, Whitesnake, Journey, etc.

I've been testing a whole lotta pedals and will continue for some time to come so looks like I'll constantly have stuff for sale :)
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

RiO said:
Don't lose out on the best years of your life, find some musicians and start a band... no amount of practice at home can substitute the experience you will get playing live (and part of a band).

Well actully im Doing CA so i have to go to Office for articleship hence dont have time for a full band but i jam with decibels guitarists and teach and jam with Half step downs bassist so it not Practise at home alone.. :P :P :P

i have For The Love Of God uploaded rite now.. here the link.. the recording is quite old and im definatly better now.. heres the link..
SoundClick artist: godofguitar - page with MP3 music downloads
the recording is bad as at time i didnt know how to record properly.. ill put a new recording up very soon..
ill post the pics of my guitar tommorow.. :P