Guitar Discussion Thread

Re: For guitarists of all levels

Fretboard and fretwork look pretty good for a local guitar. May I ask who crafted it? I have rarely seen or played Indian guitars that were impressive, and I have played a lot. I also like the slight birds eye maple look on the fingerboard :)
Re: For guitarists of all levels...

Anybody here used Native Instruments' Guitar Rig series, any comments? Rio/Sangram?

arihant3123 said:
Well actully im Doing CA so i have to go to Office for articleship hence dont have time for a full band but i jam with decibels guitarists and teach and jam with Half step downs bassist so it not Practise at home alone.. :P :P :P

Hehe Ripple eh? Great guy to hang out with, one of a kind, brilliant guitarist!

Decibel played a gig at my college a few months back, ask him about a certain Anish from Goa ;)
Re: For guitarists of all levels

Guitar rig's tube amp emulation is probably the best out there, but you will need their controller/interface for zero latency monitoring or recording. I demoed the original version and it is just like owning a multi-effects pedal board with amp simulation.

Things like these are great if you're trying to sound like your favorite guitarist, but if you want to find or create your own tone, this is not what you need.
Re: For guitarists of all levels

Considering the cost of Guitar Rig + controller, you're better off getting a Line 6 POD (anything but the pocket version).
Re: For guitarists of all levels

RiO said:
Considering the cost of Guitar Rig + controller, you're better off getting a Line 6 POD (anything but the pocket version).

Its for my dad and uncle actually, dad plays an acoustic-electric Ovation so he wanted to experiment with the tones it offers, uncle's a metal guitarist, already owns a PODXt, so again its more of experimentation.

As I said, I'll be buying the soundcard with Line-In, and the software, well, ahem ;)
Re: For guitarists of all levels

samrulez said:
Whats that? :ashamed: I'm a noobie :P

It's a type of wood used extensively by Ernie Ball in their MusicMan series, but it's only used for the neck, not the fingerboard.

Anish, fine for experimenting I guess but without the controller I'm afraid it can only be used for experimenting due to the latency, whether you have a good sound card or not :) I haven't checked out the latest Guitar Rig though so let us know how that goes.
Re: For guitarists of all levels

RiO said:
Anish, fine for experimenting I guess but without the controller I'm afraid it can only be used for experimenting due to the latency, whether you have a good sound card or not :) I haven't checked out the latest Guitar Rig though so let us know how that goes.

Hmmm... I checked a few videos of Guitar Rig with Audio Kontrol 1, and it seemed fine, besides NI recommends Audio Kontrol 1 with Guitar Rig. As I said, I plan to get one anyways since I'll be using it with Ableton Live for DJ'ing on stage. Pretty nifty device, check it out :

Re: Guitar Discussion Thread 2008

Hopefully it does work :) The problem with playing guitar real-time through any software plugin is that the slightest latency will completely throw off your playing and timing, especially during tracking. The only software-based plugins I use (*after* recording) are equalizers, compressors and time-based effects.
Re: Guitar Discussion Thread 2008

RiO said:
Hopefully it does work :) The problem with playing guitar real-time through any software plugin is that the slightest latency will completely throw off your playing and timing, especially during tracking. The only software-based plugins I use (*after* recording) are equalizers, compressors and time-based effects.
Absolutely true. If they like what they're playing on, investing in the controller is always an option. Thanks for the help, will surely update you once we test it out :)
Re: For guitarists of all levels

RiO said:
Considering the cost of Guitar Rig + controller, you're better off getting a Line 6 POD (anything but the pocket version).

+1 for the line6.. the pod xt beats them all!:hap2:
Re: Guitar Discussion Thread 2008

Well, it doesn't really beat them all but it's definitely a good multi-effects unit just like Boss' GT series and Digitech/Zoom's current flagship products. Bottom line, multi-effects units do a decent job of amp/pedal simulation and modulation but they will never come close to the real thing :)
Re: Guitar Discussion Thread 2008

samrulez said:
I found this site....
Guitar Scales @ Chordbook.Com

@Pros, please can you comment on the site ?:)
Chord dictionaries are helpful when you're getting started, but focus on chord theory and you won't ever need to refer to any book again.

Btw nobody is a pro unless they play guitar for a living, and there's no such thing as semi-pro ;)
Re: Guitar Discussion Thread 2008

Ah, sorry I misread that... did not visit the site but I just checked it out and it's a nifty little app :)
Re: Guitar Discussion Thread 2008

RiO said:
Well, it doesn't really beat them all but it's definitely a good multi-effects unit just like Boss' GT series and Digitech/Zoom's current flagship products. Bottom line, multi-effects units do a decent job of amp/pedal simulation and modulation but they will never come close to the real thing :)

was a fan of digitech.. until line 6
boss is good.. n id recommend zoom for beginners..
keeping aside multi's
setting up the individual effects/amps.. is a pain in d a$$
need lots of exp.. and time to throw on experimenting;)