Guys need help in building a gaming rig @ 70k

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Guys wht abt gtx 275 card is it good for 3 yrs of gaming... Without any upgrade....'

Is there any 2 gb ddr2 ram with 1066 mhz...' I did n find it in kolkata as most of the vendors say that it is not available but 2 mnths ago I buyed a zion 2 gb @ 1066 @ 1.3k but it is not available now....'

Can Anyone tell what other options r there in ddr2 1066 rams...'
U need build quality then look no further than XPS systems. Rock Solid!
Perfomance? yuck, We could get a better system for half its price.

and if u can wait a few months bfr ditching 70k u could buy a DDR3 based system. Else upgrade part by part
Are you inclined towards SLI system???
Then for 22K get two GTX 260...

If not then get a GTX 285...

But I was just wondering, games like GTA 4 need more than 1 GB video memory to run on high quality 1920x1080 without dynamically sharing RAM , and future games will be more texture heavy and will need more video RAM , so make a decision in which you have more than 1 GB of video RAM at your disposal and no less.
Almost forgot about the RAM,
now everybody has suggested a motherboard with LGA 775 and DDR2 RAM support.
You can also go for 790i SLI architecture and get LGA 775 with DDR3 EPP 2.0 and SLI ready memory.
So if I was you, I will buy a
Q8200 or E8700 processor
790i SLI motherboard
Corsair 1600 MHz EPP 2.0 and SLI ready memory
2xGTX 260 SLI
Lets say, later on I have to upgrade my PC, I will move for e.g. GTX 295 and if my CPU has become a bottleneck then I will get a QX 9xxx series processor.
Naive Harry's proposal is not that bad....
10 char to it..

I will Speak only of a Gaming system... If you have some specific requirements like Video editing and Advanced graphics processing... please dont read any further..

The problem is that no build will let you game for 3 more years unless you skimp on some new features that come out....
You need to have a stable path of upgrade....

If you dont plan to upgrade in 3 years.. go for a Core 2 Duo E 7400... Get a good cooler like the Thermalright Ifx or the Scythe Mugen 2 and over clock it like hell... Except GTA 4... quad cores are really not that needed for gaming
check this review..
Prolimatech Megahalems and 12 Other Coolers for Intel Core i7 Overclocking (page 21) - X-bit labs

Get a decent Mobo that supports Sli...
IMHO Gigabyte ep45-ud3r... Nvidia mobos are not that great nowadays..

If you like Upgrading your system once in a while... You can go for AMD Phenom II X3 720 BE... Again overclock it like mad...
You can buy a good AM3 mobo now.. then you can Change the processor as better Phenom II models come out....AMD always makes everything backward compatible..:angel1:

Going i7 isnt very wise as of now... It will take eat from your GFX card budget.. But you can wait for an i5.. if you have the patience....This will allow you a more powerful upgrade path than the AMD.. But you will be shackled by Intels bloody strategy of " a new chipset for every new cpu ":devil2:

IMHO Even the E 7400 will never bottleneck ur gpu... So an i7 is not needed
Then for the present get a GTX 275...
If you are ok with Sli.. Get one GTX 260 With larger amount memory..
Try it out and if you still want more performance.. Get one more and Sli it...

If you dont want to Spend that much... twin Radeon HD 4770's in crossfire Equals the GTX 275...

Get a 650 w power supply or at the max 750w..(no more)... Corsair is the best.. But Tagan BZ etc are also decent

Get the Samsung 2233w.. But soon Nvidia 3D vision will become popular...
Its already getting really awesome reviews.. Once it becomes available in India cheap... Then you can get an easy exchange (probably) with the 3D vision recommended Samsung 2233rz monitor..(of course if you want to plonk for an imported 2233rz, go ahead.. Its 120hz refresh rate itself is being mightly praised)

If you can take the trouble.. Get 2 x 500gb WD hard drives and put it on RAID 0 config...
Its worth it... over a single 1TB drive..

For the Rest of the components.. you can ask the TE members itself...
They are well knowledged in the Best components and specific model numbers...(while a noob like me ain't)...

Please wake up.. If you slept off while reading the long bore....


@ naive_harry.... Have you got your system??? or are you still waiting for october..

By Vinny
There will always be better options round the corner. If you want something, just go ahead and buy it.

I remember buying a pentium 120 mhz system with 4 mb ram and a whoppin 1 gb hdd for 60k. Maybe i should have waited 12 years for an i7 system

lol Vinny you nailed the reply...

All this will prove to be bullshit once

OnLive: The Future of Video Games

If this becomes really feasible.....
(I guess it will considering the definite increase in bandwidth in india soon)
Then you wont need any of the expensive hardware..
The "CLOUD" will do it for you...:ohyeah:
Thanks guys 4 ur suggestions.., I was thinking to get gtx 275 and later another in sli when needed...'

And what do u mean by raid 0 in hdd I didn't get it...?

what abt phenom 2 940 based rig....' any config with it and do I need an aftermarket cooler as I am going 2 oc it...'
Joel Toms said:
Get a decent Mobo that supports Sli...
IMHO Gigabyte ep45-ud3r... Nvidia mobos are not that great nowadays..

what the hell are you meaning.. stop spreading such c**p.
the P45 is crossfire chipset, it does not support SLI. you can only use two ati cards in crossfire on it. for sli support, you either have to get an nvidia chipset like the 790i sli or get the x58 which supports both sli and CF.

3d vision is nothing but a marketing gimmick right now.. if you want a quality monitor on a budget, get the dell 22" 2209WA for arnd 15k which will blow away any TN panel like the 2233SW in image quality.

I would suggest take the PII 940, couple it with a good 790GX board and get a powerful Graphics card and 4 gigs of ram.

PII 940 - 11k
biostar TA790GXA2+ - 4.5k
2*2 gb corsair - 2.7k
MSI 4890 1GB - 15.6k
Dell S2209WA - 15.5-16k (check here at TE DP)
buy the rest as per your budget. there have been lots of good configurations in the previos page.
if you dont think you need the IQ of dell, you might save arnd 4k by taking the 2233sw.
Sorry about the Motherboard suggestion....

I wanted to suggest 4770 CF first... Thats why i suggetsed the EP45

But then edited the post to fit the GTX 260....
But i really would ask you to please read through the reviews of the 3D vision kit...

Legit reviews have a very limited review of it...

While surfing i had found another better review but i cleared my Firefox history.. so cant find it now....

even legit reviews have lavishly praised the technology... Even at the first release it supports over 100 very popular games....

Please dont think everything that GPU makers(esp Nvidia) bring forward is crap....

Agreed that PissX(PhysX) went bad.. but please dont simply lambast a new technology...
please read reviews by trusted sites like Legit....

It certainly is a very fst emerging technology.. and judging by its ease of adoptance (unlike PhysX) it will be on our shores before you blink...
Personally I am saving up for the 3D vision Kit... and the 2233RZ monitor..

Even if 3D vision turns out to be some big crap.. the 120 hz monitors definitely is a step up...

(once i get it, will definitely try to post a review)

But 3D vision by itself is subjective.. cant post pics for people to compare :bleh:
so please......
3d vision. I think some guy tested a 3d vision compatible monitor @ his work place. price of 22" was around 1.5 lac.
i7 at Current Local Prices

Processor- Intel Core i7 920 D0 Stepping ~ 14500

Motherboard- Gigabyte EX58 UD4P ~ 13500

RAM- Corsair XMS3 3GB DDR3 1600Mhz ~ 7000

PSU- Corsair 750TX ~ 8000

GPU- MSI GTX275 ~ 16500

LCD- Dell S2409W ~ 14500 (via VN)

Cabinet- Cooler Master 690 w/Transparent Side-Panel ~ 4500

Mouse- Logitech MX512 ~ 1300

Optical Drive- Samsung OctoEdge ~ 1000

Keyboard- Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 ~ 800

Surface- Steel Series QcK+ ~ 1200

Total ~ Rs 82800

Optional ~

Speakers- Altec Lansing MX5021 ~ 6800

Soundcard- Asus Xonar DX ~ Confirm The Price

CPU Cooling- TRUE120 ~ Confirm The Price [Actually depends on where you're stay , if you're in delhi right now , you definitely need one! :P]
Legit Reviews - NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision Review - The 3D Experience and Conclusion

check this out........

The price of 3D vision kit + 2233rz 120hz monitor is given as 600$

when it comes to india it will be 40k max.....

Price will definitely come down very fast....

once it releases in India i guess 30k will be the price...

IMO its not so pricey.... people are spending upwards of 100k on rigs.. 30k on a
really cool tech not too high also...

For arnab, i just suggested him to take the 2233sw now.. it is good value as of now itself.....

and it will be more easy to exchange with Samsung dealers than a Dell monitor if he wants to get the 3D vision , thats all....

I hope u understand that i'm not asking him to buy the 3D vision now...

Although if he fancies it , he can go ahead and buy it at a premium..
^^ sorry for being so harsh in my last post.. was under some external influence..:ashamed:

i'm not saying 3d vision isnt an interesting tech, but i think it needs to mature before investing so much on it.

personally i would rather get as good a display with a powerful card.. but it is for the OP to decide what he wants.

Karthi007 said:
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 - 8.9k
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-EP43-DS3L - 5.5k
RAM: Corsair 2*2GB DDR2 800MHz - 3K
GPU: MSI R4890-T2D1G OC HD 4890 1GB DDR5 - 15.7k
HDD: Western Digital 1TB SATAII - 5.2k
Cabinet: CoolerMaster 690 - 4k
SMPS: Corsair VX 650W - 7k
Optical Drive: Samsung SATA - 1.1k
Speakers: Altec Lansing VS4121-3k
Monitor: Samsung 2233 22" - 10K
Keyboard: Logitech Multimedia - .5k
Mouse: Logitech MX518 - 1.4k
So for 65K you have a good and balanced Gaming Rig:ohyeah: If u want invest a bit more in the speakers and go for MX5021E@7K:hap2:
sickizblank said:
i7 at Current Local Prices

Processor- Intel Core i7 920 D0 Stepping ~ 14500
Motherboard- Gigabyte EX58 UD4P ~ 13500
RAM- Corsair XMS3 3GB DDR3 1600Mhz ~ 7000
PSU- Corsair 750TX ~ 8000
GPU- MSI GTX275 ~ 16500
LCD- Dell S2409W ~ 14500 (via VN)
Cabinet- Cooler Master 690 w/Transparent Side-Panel ~ 4500
Mouse- Logitech MX512 ~ 1300
Optical Drive- Samsung OctoEdge ~ 1000
Keyboard- Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 ~ 800
Surface- Steel Series QcK+ ~ 1200

Total ~ Rs 82800

Optional ~
Speakers- Altec Lansing MX5021 ~ 6800
Soundcard- Asus Xonar DX ~ Confirm The Price
CPU Cooling- TRUE120 ~ Confirm The Price [Actually depends on where you're stay , if you're in delhi right now , you definitely need one! :P]

i think i7 configs are starting to look afforadble except the ram ie. I think this is the best perfomance comp for the price.
Well the best and balenced choice (since it is a budget gaming rig if im not wrong) is to save on processor by going for
1. higher clocked core2 duo rather than a lower clocked quadro
2. In computers waiting for a better product never helps as its a fact that price always falls by 50% every year and specs double every 8-12 months. So there is never a better time for buying than when it is necessary!!
3. If your only aim is great looking gaming experience at a very good budget go for Samsung 2233 which is 1680x1050 an exceptional res for any of the today's games. I wouldnt suggest full HD coz any single gfx card cant handle such resolution and u need and SLI setup or cross fire (which adds up another 20k)Not worth it.
4. Finally a 260gtx would be my choice with all the other specs as quoted in post 5

For gaming its always and always the gfx card that is the bottle neck and seldom the processor.
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