:rofl: :rofl:
Ok, it's not that bad. Actual situation is like this: I think finally shading power of HD 48XX series is getting put to some use

For starters the Nvidia GeForce GTX cards were significantly faster than the ATI Radeon HD 4800 series when running DX9. Still once we began to increase the anti-aliasing quality the Radeon HD 4800 graphics cards did start to make a comeback.
For example at 2560x1600 with 8xAA enabled the Radeon HD 4870 X2 was able to render over 100fps on average making it much faster than the GeForce GTX 285. The Radeon HD 4870 on the other hand was just able to outperform the GeForce GTX 260.
Things became even more interesting once we began testing with DirectX 10 as the ATI Radeon HD 4800 series made a serious comeback. Interestingly while the GeForce GTX 295 ruled the DX9 testing it was the Radeon HD 4870 X2 that came home with the win when testing in the DX10 mode with anti-aliasing 8x enabled. It was possible to achieve an average frame rate of 66fps at 1920x1200 with 8xAA enabled while the GeForce GTX 295 managed just 40fps.
Legion Hardware