Harry potter 7 leaked?

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its simple, its entertaining, it has appealing characters, you can read it, the older ones can read it, the younger ones can read it (or read to).
kippu said:
so that you can reverse the arguement and say that you dont like them ??? no...thats kiddish ...why dont you tell me whats great about harry potter...and why you like it?

Yes, I thought you would say that :P No, I don't think like that. I thoroughly enjoyed LOTR. And am thoroughly enjoying potter as well. Whether a product is over hyped or not normally doesn't alter my perception about it.
BTW, about why I like potter.... Well simply because its entertaining. It has very well developed characters, and a nice plot-line. It introduces the magical world to the readers in a very simple manner ( I don't like the hardcore fantasy books set on the third moon of some planet with twin suns :P). Rowling makes up excellent sub-plots, and has mastered the use of red herrings.
If you head over to some potter fans sites like mugglenet or leaky cauldrons, you'll find Literature students (and teachers) discussing potter from a literary point of view. They have many good things to say :D Though I don't bother with that much. Critical appreciation of a book is not my cup of tea. :no:

I feel the greatest reason for potter's popularity is that it allows fans to be a part of the journey. We get to speculate after each book is launched, and make up endless theories of how the story will proceed. I doubt potter would have been so popular if it had been launched as a single huge tome instead of spread over 7 books and 15 years :P

Edit: On a side note, I felt Da Vinci Code was ridiculously over hyped, and is an average book at best.
^^Lol..agree..DA Vinci code was overhyped like hell... i had read digital fortress b4 da vinci code and it just seemed like digital fortress set in a different place and time..all his books seem so similar...:no:
Holy Blood Holy Grail was not a fictional novel. It was simply the documentation of the studies done by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, and their resulting hypothesis.

But we should come back to potter :D
Nikhil said:
This is so stupid..... I am not going to bother arguing with such a pompous moron who believes reading Harry Potter is following the hype....

sheeesh.... Till now, I kinda used to take Yamaraj's posts seriously as he used to make sense...

I have realised how wrong I was... damn.
Whoa! Calm down, and be done with personal flames, please! :P
There is nothing wrong in getting high one evening and taking on overgrown kids on my favorite forum. BTW, my opinion about HP hasn't changed still.

I had my fun, but I didn't intend on offending anyone.

zhopudey said:
Excellent :D I love juicy arguments :devil: Lets take it step by step. Yamaraj, are you saying that nothing which is hyped so much can possibly be good?
So many people read LOTR only after the hype generated by the movies. So would you say even that is childish crap?
That's quite close to the reality. Hyped-up expections are bound to be disappointed. As mentioned in this thread - a hype was also created around Da Vinci Code, and it came off as bad as they come. Same with 300 - The Movie.

LOTR is slightly better, and it's for undergrown adults. It has to do with taste - and to each his own. I'm into serious literature and cannot help myself when I see long queues for the HP books - and mostly the people in the queues are not there for the books. They're there to satiate the hunger the fandom creates. Same as lining up in queues days before XBox launch.

Possession of a much sought-after item itself is more satisfying than actually putting it to a use. It adds inches to you-know-what, but at the cost of brain cells.
Yamaraj, I am not saying potter is worth the hype. Nothing ever is. What I am saying is, just because it is hyped doesn't mean that its bad :P

Possession of a much sought-after item itself is more satisfying than actually putting it to a use. It adds inches to you-know-what, but at the cost of brain cells.

I don't understand this. I have read the books, I have enjoyed them, and am very eagerly awaiting the seventh book. How does the fact that several million people are also doing the same change my views about the book?
zhopudey said:
Yamaraj, I am not saying potter is worth the hype. Nothing ever is. What I am saying is, just because it is hyped doesn't mean that its bad :P

I don't understand this. I have read the books, I have enjoyed them, and am very eagerly awaiting the seventh book. How does the fact that several million people are also doing the same change my views about the book?
1. It doesn't always have to be bad, I agree. But mostly, the hype is there to make up for the deficiencies.

2. I know many who like to stack up books, particularly the HP series, in their shelves rather than reading them. This is to make sure they're living up to the global standards. It's actually these type of people that annoy me to no ends. I have no problem with those who actually read books and honestly like them.
1. Hype is not there to make up for deficiences. It is there to make more money.

2. Yes, I know.....but I don't think you'll find any those in this thread. At least I hope not :P
Aila.....argument over? Sucks :(
Yamaraj said:
the hype is there to make up for the deficiencies.

Not always so, bro..sometimes the good stuff draws in a lot of attention...then that attention itself causes all the hype..and from there on its like a chain reaction...no more publicity is required..it rides on all the hype generated thru the years of fandom and cult status achieved.. a hype cannot sustain a bad product for long..eventually it'll die out...but JKR has been successful in keeping the hype alive by producing something tht is living up to every fan's expectations...had it not been so..potter 3 or 4 or 5 wud not have happened...
Has either of the two wannabe rebels here gone through all the books or for that matter even the first book, to say its all hype and no essence? how does someone who has read only the first book but not the rest of the series know that the whole series is bad? On the contrary, if you have read all the books, then why did u bother reading all the books if you think that the harry potter series is bad? :P The two wannable rebels here are exactly like those supposedly anti-schumi guys who say that "They hate schumi" coz they want to belong to the rebel category and feel that they are different than rest of the world :bleh:

Now, this is stepping up the tempo :D

By the way, I love quickfire's signature!!!!!?????. Thats why i will refrain myself from a second post on this thread :ohyeah:
Yamaraj said:
Thanks for telling me that! I never knew that Rolling ate Shakespeare for lunch and HP is more popular among Oxford literature students than Hamlet. :ashamed:

Here comes the original confession! There is nothing wrong in reading literature for kids even if you're an adult - because adults like you are mostly "overgrown kids". :rofl:


Goes to show how little you know. :rofl:

Extract from Harry Potter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1996, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was completed and the manuscript was sent off to prospective agents. The second agent she tried, Christopher Little, offered to represent her and sent the manuscript to Bloomsbury. After eight other publishers had rejected Philosopher's Stone, Bloomsbury offered Rowling a £3,000 advance for the publication of Philosopher's Stone.[10]

Despite Rowling's statement that she did not have any particular age group in mind when she began to write the Harry Potter books, the publishers initially targeted them at children age nine to eleven.[11] On the eve of publishing, Joanne Rowling was asked by her publishers to adopt a more gender-neutral pen name, in order to appeal to the male members of this age group, fearing that they would not be interested in reading a novel they knew to be written by a woman. She elected to use J. K. Rowling (Joanne Kathleen Rowling), omitting her first name and using her grandmother's as her second.[12]

And for your information the so called marketing hype for Harry Potter did not start untill the third book and it had something to do with the fairly good sucess of the first two books. From what I heard, the first books were edited heavily to target them for kids.

And have you even read any of the other so called childrens books I mentioned in unabridged form? With all your sneering attitude, you will not understand them if you are not very well aquainted with the old english usages. :bleh:

Talking of shakespeare, Yes, I have read some unabridged shakespearen drama when I was in the 6th standard and theres nothing great in reading it. (My aunt is a english professor and brought me some of unabridged books from the library for me.) I have also read books on Einsteins relativity theory in my 6th standard and theres something in reading and understanding that.

I have a huge interest in history, mythology and fantasy books and have a decent collection of books on Indian, Chinese, Japanese, German, Greek, Nord history, mythology and fantasy. I have a collection of autobiographies/biographies and works by various Indian and foreign authors. I have also a collection of books on science fiction, mystery and horror

Just because you have read some books on politics or war doesnt make you a responsible adult :hap5: :tongue: . About that last comment of yours stating me and others being overgrown kids, there is nothing wrong in being a kid at heart ;)
. I know many who like to stack up books, particularly the HP series, in their shelves rather than reading them. This is to make sure they're living up to the global standards. It's actually these type of people that annoy me to no ends. I have no problem with those who actually read books and honestly like them.

LOl any contacts, sure beats the heck paying 600 rs for it ;)

BTW LOTR is one of the best piece of literature in the fantasy genre. And yeah messa like HP too.. Is closest to Enid Blyton which I simply loved as a kid.
Private Ryan said:
^^Lol..agree..DA Vinci code was overhyped like hell... i had read digital fortress b4 da vinci code and it just seemed like digital fortress set in a different place and time..all his books seem so similar...:no:

Meh, true, it was Da Vanci which was ridiculously overhyped. As for Hurry Potty, I havn't read it and never will after someone forced me to watch one of its movies!
Ohh thats sad....:( Can't you pretend you've never seen the movie? Just forget about it. Its not worth the memory cells its occupying in your brain.
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