Harry potter 7 leaked?

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Damn.. Why do I come across a thread only when all the juicy arguments are over?

Pitching in anyway, in the hope that yamaraj hasnt run out of his stock of dope or booze or whatever else that gets him on a high..

Completely agree with Lord Nemesis above... In fact C.S Lewis (of Chronicles of Narnia fame) wrote in a letter to his grand-daughter once - something along the lines of "I wrote these books (chronicles) for you when you were a kid, but you grew up too fast and are now too old for them.. But one day when you are old enough you can pick them up again"

Its the same for all good fantasy books.. Mature readers can get more out of them than kids. So just laughing at people for reading such books is ridiculous..

That said, frankly I dont enjoy HP books as much anymore and am not loosing any sleep waiting for the new book. Me thinks, and this is strictly a personal opinion, that JKR peaked with the fourth book..
Private Ryan said:
if u can still enjoy it, its all tht matters..:D
Exactly. Hell, I still read Goosebumps and love Tales from the Crypt.

Yamaraj said:
Hyped-up expections are bound to be disappointed. As mentioned in this thread - a hype was also created around Da Vinci Code, and it came off as bad as they come. Same with 300 - The Movie.
300 was bad? Makes me smile when people watch the movie expecting an epic or even another LOTR simply because it's based on some war.

Pulp's not for you, so don't bash something you don't get :)
saumilsingh said:
300 was bad? Makes me smile when people watch the movie expecting an epic or even another LOTR simply because it's based on some war.
Yes, 300 was bad. I rated it 4/10. And before you start assuming a lot again and your lungs fail under the burden of truth - no, I didn't expect anything before I started watching it. I have watched Sin City and fully understand what to expect (or not) from such movies.

A cheesy movie, at best.

saumilsingh said:
B-class movies are not for you, so don't bash something you can't sit through :)
Corrected it for you. And I fully agree with this. :)
^^^I have a sneakey feeling that you dont like fiction.What say?!!!

People can like fiction and still hate hurry potty :P

I am a crazy fan of LOTR and think hurry potty should just be avoided like the plague :P
LOL I loved LOTR, but yet wouldnt mind reading HP, infact I quite enjoy it, lol for gods sake I am reading Eragon these days ;)
I don't have anything against those who like HP books, but personally I consider HP books to be average. I haven't read an HP book since I was 13 :P, and the last book I read was the third one. I lost interest in HP after that. My brother still purchases and reads all the books though (even some extra books which are not related to Mr. Potter himself but detail some other things about the world of HP), and he's a true HP fan.

He also has finished reading LOTR, and I want to read it, but its in such a tattered condition that I'm afraid of tearing it to bits if I pick it up. :(

BTW, my brother is interested in obtaining the 659-page leaked version of the 7th book. Can anyone help? :)
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