Windows Having a weird issue where, after random time, the GPU goes to -1%/100% and entire pc starts to slowdown and eventually hang

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OP, have you tried the solution given in this comment?

Thanks , Removed them , along with gpu-z too.

See how weird this issue is. Who would think these monitoring softwares would cause these non-sense.

Also even if i have had reinstalled OS , i would 100% sure would have installed these to monitor the hardware.

I would totally love to see how these could bring down the OS.. Havent we overcome these one small things causing system failure issues in last few decades ?

Thanks a lot.
Have you updated the firmware on your Samsung 980 SSD?
yes. When it came , it had the latest firmware on it.


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Update 7

No crash , no abnormal behavior thus far. Only issue is fans running at constant speed. Will reinstall icue and other related softwares. Apart from these minor issues , no crash.

I suspect XMP , Whatsapp desktop version , hwinfo,cpu-z etc drivers.

moved to wa web version for now. reduced functionality , but will sacrifice it for system stability. I hate it , so running under waterfox is much better imo.

Will update if there is anything.

Update 7

No crash , no abnormal behavior thus far. Only issue is fans running at constant speed. Will reinstall icue and other related softwares. Apart from these minor issues , no crash.

I suspect XMP , Whatsapp desktop version , hwinfo,cpu-z etc drivers.

moved to wa web version for now. reduced functionality , but will sacrifice it for system stability. I hate it , so running under waterfox is much better imo.

Will update if there is anything.
Reinstall stuff 1 by 1 and observe for a couple of days before moving on to the next thing to install.
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For now , i will just observe for a week or so.
My only suspect is the crappy whatsapp.

But i will just keep running .. system is ok now, except for fans , which i will start working on after a week.. dont mind running at constant speed all time , for now.

Thanks everyone for pitching in with good suggestions.

My only gripe is , how come such a stable OS allow to be crashed by a program , what happened to all those virtualization of excecutables etc.. It brought back memories of Windows ME only.


Till date after removing Whatsapp (which i feel is the main culprit) , there is no single crash.

Will update lian-li L-connect , icue , and other hardware related fan controlling/related softwares to bring hte fans back to normal.

Will plan to reinstall soon.

Thanks to everyone who pitched in and helped me.
Whatsapp? From Microsoft Store?
I think got it from

or could be from filehippo

No other unknown source

I personally dont like MS store.


Its SignalRGB !!

Previously i have uninstalled it and the system was working fine, today i reinstalled and after few minutes the system started to crash. Its using some plugins to control the fans . Previously it was working fine , i think some update has caused some plugin/driver issue with GPU(i think) to cause it go for 100% speed and stalling and eventually crashing the pc.

Have to try a older version of signalrgb

Also the fan speed were somehow tied with signalrgb , which is weird , since i have it set to MB sync(ie mb decides the speed for various fans)

Update : Even after i removed the software it crashed. I think it leaves or alters the fan speed / control of these devices through some method which keeps lingering behind even after uninstall.

Had to open icue , L-Connect , just play around and APPLY setting so that these softwares will take over/overwrite any config files of these devices individually. Theory needs to be tested. Fan speeds are under control now.
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first tried it , it was little DIY / bland UI , Also heard signalrgb is based on this.

Will find an older version of signalRGB , or else will install openrgb.
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