Storage Solutions HDD very noisy....

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Enclave Plus
i get this "kouiiiiiiii" noise from my HDDs :(

thisw problem wasnt there from a week...started when i had removed everything to put a Tower112. :yahoo:

The noise doesnt come while booting, or loading windows, it starts after windows loading is complete...and souds come in bursts while reading from HDDs....

Is this a windows problem?? :huh:

this noise is untolerable, its more than my Powersafe fans combined!!!!
I think u hav got a disk to
Looks like u eithr banged it or wht Aces said.....but most probably the 1st
its working fine at friends comp..

the sound comes only after windows has loaded...doesnt while bootig, doesnt while gaming!!!!!!

only when in windows, idle
Well, sunny boy, that sound is an indication of your HDD being completely screwed. See if the HDD is heating up when you start hearing the sound. If it does heat up, its probably an indication of your read/write head scraping against the disks.

I had a 40Gig seagate hdd last year which suffered the same fate. Turns out that one complete head had collapsed onto the platter. My HDD wouldn't work at all, unlike yours. It could also mean something else, but, the deciding factor would be the heat generated.
umm..well....this happens with windows idling!!!

no sounds while playing games!!!!

will try reinstalling windows.....
Yep, high pitched sound normally comes from Optical device. But yes a HDD about to die makes that kinda noise too.
So were the rumors of a virus which tries to kill your HD by increasing its spin speed true or what :P

Try a live linux cd or any other OS to see if the problem persists, also check it out in the safe mode of windows ...
Dude, backup the data before the fateful moment. And hurry up, I don't know whether you will be able to read this post with your current HDD :hap5:

I also suggest you start looking around for a new drive. If you can afford it go for the WD Raptor 74GB 10k. It rocks ! Just read the reviews. :hap2:

Also can we know Masky why your signature is always linked to Sunny's new post ? :rofl: Though they are great :rofl:
anishcool said:
...Also can we know Masky why your signature is always linked to Sunny's new post ? :rofl: Though they are great :rofl:

Hah! You don't get the point! Masky & Sunny know each other well! So, I guess they keep on pulling each others legs! Also, include Hooli in this group! :P
~HeadShot~ said:
Hah! You don't get the point! Masky & Sunny know each other well! So, I guess they keep on pulling each others legs! Also, include Hooli in this group! :P

Hmm, I thought as much since both are from mysore ! Well Masky's sigs are just so funny in the context of a signature :rofl:
i think its the problem with the HDD not with windows..try reinstalling windows just before replacing the HDD..But iam sure it is the HDD which is going check reinstalling the windows or replace the HDD
Hey check the earthing of the system and ur point. The ground value should be less than 5V. For two days i had similar problem and came to figure out the culprit was improper ground.
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