help buying new DTH

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@raksrules : its right I am lucky with airtel :), touchwood hope it remains same. And you are as dissatisfied about them as you can be :P

Anyways point of my post was to inform OP about possibilities that Airtel and TataSky are good quality wise.

Would really love inputs about Videocon HD servies, if any one is using it on TE?
dissel said:
Go for Tata Sky HD or HD+ , Reason:-

1. Event based HD broadcast in sports segment (specially where India involved)
2. Customer Care / My Portal are great and they really want to solve your problem/query.
3. Hardware provided are better quality than other DTH...earlier it was best.
4. Stable EPG........It is very important if go for DVR box.
5. Most popular main stream channel are there.
6. Good picture quality of SD channels in SD TV. HD channels look good HDTV.
7. No hidden cost in channel package or Hardware. You don't need to pay a single paisa extra other than mentioned in website

Don't go:-

1. If you want each every channel.
2. Used old MPEG2 technology for broadcasting in all SD channel where other DTH use modern MPEG4 (this is why no lag between channel change)
3. There is nothing much until March 2012...In that time they will upgrade their system and solve the TP space problem and blah blah blah.....
4 I can't think of any

One more thing they deduct balance everyday unless you are in Semi-Annual / Annual / Bi-Annual Mega (Lite) Pack.

SatBeams - Satellite charts - Channel list - Insat 2E (Intelsat APR-2) / Insat 3B / Insat 4A

I didnt understand ur 2 dont go point. does tata sky offers mpeg2 tech or me with old one??
Praks said:
If you take Tata Sky HD, will the SD channels come at MPEG4 or MPEG2 ?

Already answered....

Yes, when TS start broadcasting they choose MPEG2 format and STB (silver color) supplied that time only capable to decode MPEG2 format. But now all STB from TS (e,g SD Box,HD and HD+) capable to decode MPEG4 format as well as MPEG2. Due to some older MPEG2 capable STB from TS which are still in use at customer premises, TS can't change the compression format to MPEG4 overnight. So all SD channels are still broadcast in MPEG2 format. <-----And this is the only reason they ran out all TP space in Insat-4A. So TS got less channel compared to other DTH platform.

So answer of the que, TS broadcast SD channels in MPEG2 and HD channels in MPEG4.
This situation will change @ March 2012 when they completely replace the older MPEG2 box from the consumer and start broadcasting in MPEG4 format like other DTH company.

here is the link show the technical info of channel broadcasting format/protocol of TS.

SatBeams - Satellite charts - Channel list - Insat 2E (Intelsat APR-2) / Insat 3B / Insat 4A

sam249 said:
I didnt understand ur 2 dont go point. does tata sky offers mpeg2 tech or me with old one??

Hope I clear the point no 2 in this post.

Thank you. Does it make sense to take TS HD box when their channels are still in Mpeg2 (if one dont want to have HD subscription).

If you buy any TS STB what ever is SD or HD, HD+, all came in MPEG4 capable. If you asking about HD subscription, No it's not mandatory to subscribe HD Pack if you go even HD / HD+ STB.

But if you choose SD STB you never able to subscribe HD pack unless you change yourself in HD STB....coz those HD channel no. will not show in SD STB and can't be decode. (Done in recent software update in all SD STB by TS)

Earlier those (entry) visible from SD STB.
Got it. Thank you.

Does TS has Ala Carte packges like Airtel, where you can select Individual channels ?

Please suggest a TS pack for this requirement - Hindi (Star Plus, Zee, Sony etc), English (S Movies, HBO, etc), Few News channels, Discovery, NGC etc

NO South Channels & Sports channels.
can anyone tell will there be any difference in pic. quality b/w sd box and hd box while viewing the same sd channel on both?
is there any benefit of using hd stb over sd stb if not watching hd channels?
^Theoretically the HDMI port in the HD box should make a difference as compared to the composite port in the SD box.
^so if there is difference is it big or just marginal?

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also can any one suggest which is best dth at present tata sky,d2h,airtel in terms of pricing and picture quality?
which is better going for dth or local cable settop box?
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