Thanks to everyone who participated and suggested me...
Well, as almost all of you suggested. will try to low down my smoking habits, not sure about quitting it completely, I feel like incomplete when I don't smoke.
Well, I'm 22 now, and started smoking when I was in 10th Standard. And after that from class 11 I started smoking about 1packet everyday which then increased to 2 - 2.5 packets per day on 12th Standard and 1st year...then again lowered down to 1.5packets per day and still continuing that rate at an avg....except some few special days.
@Logistopath...WOW I really didn't knew you are a doc
Well, it's not like I have a gf and I want to change myself for her. But there are too many things to cousins make fool of me and keeps pulling my leg as I'm 22 and have no gf, I wear boring si kapre all the time, and avoided by them when they hangs out for not being so smart...and all...
And it's not like that I can't cope up with others, I'm very good at that, as I'm really a friendly person and don't mind little things and don't get angry if someone is making fool of me, I take these things coolly, so I cope up with any situation and person..
But it's true that I'm not confident in few areas, like my dressing sense, and as I said when I go to etiquette restaurants, like Flame n Grill, CCD outlets, McDonalds, KFC, PizzaHut etc, I feel nervous and can't hear anything what the waiter is asking...they speaks so softly...
And as I stated. the walking style is like I don't care what's going on beside me and I keep walking straight like that
And about attitude the matter is I don't have any type of attitude at all be it negative or positive ... actually I'm like the guy who makes fool of others, pull legs and always jokes and makes other people laugh in the group...
Ya I really feel inconfident when everyone looks at me when I'm waiting somewhere for my friends or so...
And yes, I don't have interest in many things, like I don't feel interested in sports, gym, news, you can say almost everything which a normal man have their interest(except technology).